Your face looks older than your years indicate and what is it that makes you older? We all know that wrinkles are a sign of aging. However, there are other reasons that make your appearance worse or make you look older. The fast pace of life, bad habits and decisions are reflected on your skin and your well-being. That's why we offer you tips to introduce into your daily routine, as this will rejuvenate your appearance.
Unhealthy diet
It is well known that with a healthy and balanced diet, we can maintain health and well-being to a large extent. Unhealthy diet is one of the main factors for feeling unwell and also skin appearance. The skin is the largest organ on the body and everything you eat affects it. Plan your meals and food. It is recommended to eat four to five small meals during the day. It is for a better appearance of the skin should be avoided processed meat, food containing trans fats, carbonated drinks, frozen and processed food products, fried and fast food, alcohol, sugar. Enjoy as much fresh, natural and unprocessed food as possible, which you prepare yourself. Namely, due to the lack of minerals and vitamins, the skin ages and soon it acts as if you look older than you really are.
Decreased growth hormone content
Growth hormone somatotropin increases with age it almost stops producing in our body. This body keeps you young, slim and beautiful. The hormone helps reduce the deposition of subcutaneous fat tissue, increases fat burning and the ratio between muscle and fat, regenerates the skin, and slows down aging. Since somatropin, which contains growth hormone, is only used in medicine for those patients who lack growth hormone, serve his natural production. Do not drink alcohol before going to bed, because it slows down the secretion of somatotropin, exercise actively for at least 20 minutes a day, eat enough protein in the evening: meat, milk and dairy products, fish, beans and other legumes, as well as foods containing vitamins C, B3 and B6, zinc , calcium, magnesium and potassium and lots of vegetables and fruits.
Daily alcohol intake
Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep can also show on the skin in the form of impurities or even acne. Due to too short a night's rest in the body growing stressful the hormone cortisol, which increases skin aging. A night that is too short will not only show in your feeling, but also in your face. Experts recommend at least 7-9 hours of sleep a day, preferably in a ventilated room. The best position for sleeping is on the back or stomach, while sleeping on the side contributes to the deepening of wrinkles.
Constant stress
Research shows that nothing causes the body to age faster than constant exposure exposure to stress. In addition, stress affects thinking, sleep and blood pressure. If you cannot change anything in your current work situation, it is very important to find a balance. Experts recommend a healthy diet with a reduced intake of coffee, sugar and alcohol, as well as regular relaxation exercises - yoga or meditation.
Under the influence of the sun the skin becomes dry, which causes the formation and deepening of wrinkles. In addition, freckles may appear on the skin, which then turn into brown spots. Sun exposure causes collagen in the skin to break down faster. The sun dries out the skin, robs it of elastin and proteins, and ages it. Therefore, experts recommend a maximum of 15 minutes of exposure to the sun using skin protection with at least 20 SPF.
The fact is that the consequences of bad habits such as smoking become visible only after 8-10 years. Smoking damages the heart, lungs, and brain and increases the risk of many diseases. Smoking has an effect at the same time also to your appearance. The skin acquires a special gray-yellow shade, destroys collagen and elastin in the skin, so it is drier, loses softness, elasticity, deep wrinkles appear, and the skin also becomes saggy.