
The first transparent hologram display HTD-01

Transparent hologram display HTD-01

If there's one thing we've learned from science fiction movies, it's that holograms rule the future. And it is more than obvious that such a future is here. At least that's according to the concept of the company Number One, which wants to make hologram screens for computers a reality. Their first attempt is a transparent 27-inch screen with a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels, which goes by the name HTD-01. Future, welcome home.

Hologram screen HTD-01 is the "butter" of the company Number One. 4 millimeters the thin transparent acrylic screen boasts "rear projection" technology, which is responsible for the transparent hologram image. It "produces" LED projector in a tabletop stand that projects it onto a transparent surface coated with a special coating 27-inch screen, which is to blame for the high-resolution image. It offers the user ideal viewing angle.

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Transparent hologram display HTD-01 in the dark.
Transparent hologram display HTD-01 in the dark.

A possibility, yes put away or take on the road a screen (the same goes for the keyboard) would give the user a lot of flexibility regarding the actual place of work. Of course, it doesn't hurt to feel yourself like in a futuristic movie. And if transparent screens do hit the shelves, we can only hope that TVs are the next target. Check out the video clip to see how the HTD-01 works in practice.

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