
Traveler Jonay Sosa with the "Ideas for Fuel" project also in Slovenia

Jonay Sosa (middle) in the company Publicis... Tomašek (left), Drago Mlakar (right)

Spanish songwriter Jonay Sosa, author of the interesting project "Idejes for Fuel" (Idejes for Fuel) is in a hurry here. As part of the project, in June 2014 he embarked on a journey across Europe with his van, which he takes from one advertising agency to another. So far, he has traded his fresh ideas for fuel in 16 agencies from 12 countries, and his white van is currently parked at the address of the advertising agency Publicis Groupe Slovenia

Jonay Sosa is a songwriter from Spain, he is part of the project Ideas for fuel embarked on an interesting path of upgrading personal and business experience. That's about it combined his love for his work in advertising with traveling and meeting new people. With his van, in which he also lives and creates, he set off on a journey to visit the most influential European agencies. 12,794 km long journey so far she has led him along 12 countries and 16's agencyh. The recommendations of the agencies he previously visited in the region of Western Europe also brought him to Slovenia, where for two weeks he joined forces with the agencies Publicis, Saatchi&Saatchi and Leo Burnett, which are part of the Publicis Groupe Slovenia.

Jonay Sosa (in the middle) in the company of Publicis creatives.
Jonay Sosa (in the middle) in the company of Publicis creatives.

The trip is Jonay's personal and at the same time career project, which allows him to build on his experience as a songwriter while exploring ways of advertising and marketing communication in different countries. His motto, with which he brings additional freshness to local environments, reads: "If you get stuck, I go with the truck!" In exchange for a "tank of fuel", the agencies thus get a copywriter for a limited time who is highly motivated and unburdened by views of the business environment or client expectations.

Jonay Sosa already has a rich and fruitful career, as he worked for seven years at the agencies Saatchi & Saatchi and Delcampo Saatchi & Saatchi and other penetrating advertisers. He has worked in many countries and cultural environments, working with well-known clients such as Toyota, P&G, Sony and others. For his work, he received several prestigious awards at creative festivals, among which he was twice ranked among the finalists of the Kanski Levi creativity festival (print finalist for clients Sony and Olay), a gold medal at the London International Awards, awards at the El Sol festival, the Spanish D&AD and other awards.

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