
A trick that will keep bread fresh for days

Photo: envato

There is nothing worse than, for example, starting to make a sandwich and realizing that your bread is dry. With a simple trick, it can stay fresh even after several days.

Thanks to Tom Church, there is a cheap and easy trick which you can use to prevent this from happening - and no, we don't mean freezing bread.

He says he can storing bread with a stalk of celery prevents the development of bacteria and the appearance of mold.

Use green stalks. Photo: Michael
Burrows / Pexels

“If you've ever taken a loaf of bread to make a sandwich and then realized it's moldy, consider putting a stalk of celery in the bag or bread container. It may sound strange, but the bread will absorb the moisture from the celery and as a result will stay fresh for several days," he says.

If you will heeded his advice, you may waste less food and you won't have to make unplanned trips to the store to get fresh bread.

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