
Tuš supported young Slovenian skiing hopefuls

In this year's ski season, Tuš became the proud golden sponsor of the Slovenian alpine ski teams. The support was also upgraded with a special fund, into which a percentage of each Tuš brand product sold was allocated in November and December last year. Buyers actively encouraged the project and ski hopefuls received as much as 69,638 euros at a special award.

This year's ski season is already at an end, but it is precisely with the support of training and fitness preparations throughout the year that skiers stay in shape and progress. The Ski Association of Slovenia mentions securing financial resources as the biggest challenge in such activities. Donors and sponsors are often the ones who make certain preparations possible, or they are carried out under less than optimal conditions. Tuš is proud that he managed to secure the lion's share of funds for activities, which will take place between April and July and significantly contribute to the development of Slovenian skiing. Within the funds, Tuš will enable young skiers to carry out the following preparations and trainings.

The active promotion of one of the most widespread Slovenian sports and the response of customers is proof that we want to actively support young talents in Slovenia and encourage them to take Slovenia among the skiing elite. As part of the project, they also designed a special websitewww.nasezvezde.si with all the information about the collected funds and the presentation of our hopes, they dedicated the entire project to transparent monitoring of the amount of collected funds. They thank the loyal customers for all their support, encouragement and cheering for our skiers.

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