
Urban wedding

Weddings today are often much ado about nothing - nothing traditional, nothing classic, nothing orthodox. Just think neon-colored cakes, two-piece wedding dresses, trousseau wedding dresses, and invitations with "hashtags" that guests then tweet about the wedding and use when uploading photos to social media. With wedding season fast approaching, let's take a look at what weddings are like today. What are the urban customs of the modern bride and groom?

The (over)power of technology – from one extreme to the other

It's true, not every couple wants to reveal their wedding to the whole world. But in this day and age of social media, some couples just love the idea of the memorable tweets and Facebook posts that come out of that special day. Brides and grooms are opening blogs and Facebook pages where they want to offer as much information as possible regarding the wedding. Some even create invitations with a hashtag that guests then use when they upload photos or tweet about the wedding. More serious technology enthusiasts even make sure that there are enough phone chargers at the wedding, which they elegantly hide or pack imaginatively. Some couples choose to broadcast their wedding live so that all those who cannot attend can watch it. From across the river, they are laughed at by couples who politely ask their guests to leave their phones at home or put them in a special place.

READ MORE: "Must have" wedding photos that you will fall in love with

Innovative informal wedding invitations

No, it's not the right time for formal wedding invitations. Nevertheless, the bride and groom want at least their nearest and dearest to show up on this big day. One of the latest trends in wedding invitations is definitely an invitation that asks us to reserve a specific date. It's usually a fun postcard, but some also go for more innovative invitations, such as a message in a bottle or a collage of photos of the happy couple. Many of these invitations include a link to a website, blog, or Facebook page where guests can keep up-to-date with the latest information. However, the official invitations also got a makeover, the slightly more traditional ones; brides add lace and other romantic accessories to them to create a vintage look.

Innovative informal wedding invitations
Innovative informal wedding invitations

Transformed wedding cakes

The days of traditional cream-colored cakes and round shapes decorated with lace, roses and a string of pearls are over for some. Today, wedding cakes come in all shapes and colors, and are often thematically colored or suit the ambiance of the wedding celebration. One couple wanted a brightly colored masterpiece, where the bride and groom sit in the shade of a tree, a paved path leads to them, and a waterfall flows through the layers of the cake. The cake thus resembled the place where the couple got married. Cakes are not always cakes. Lately, the kind made from sweet vices, such as Oreo cookies or American doughnuts, has become extremely popular.

Transformed wedding cakes
Transformed wedding cakes

The organ is a thing of the past

Let's be honest. When we hear this instrument, it often reminds us of a funeral. And who wants music to sound like that on their wedding day? The organ was thus replaced by string quartets and brass bands. The strength of string quartets lies in the elegance and beauty of the sound, which can only come from the hands of real musicians, but of course the artistic element should not be neglected either. Many couples choose to rework contemporary music into a more elegant style suitable for harps. This way, you can use music that suits the couple and represents them correctly, but at the same time sounds like it belongs at the wedding.

Disco fever

Today, a wedding celebration is a unique production. Some choose the style "freely according to Prešeren", others prepare a choreography in which even the grandmother is involved.

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