
Vegan and delicious for Easter

A vegan Easter feast that smells of the traditional.

Despite the fact that we do not eat food of animal origin, we can prepare a vegan feast that will still smell like a traditional one. Spring time brings large quantities of fresh, crunchy vegetables and other healthy delicacies, from which we can prepare extremely tasty dishes and still satisfy the desire for a vegan way of eating. The extremely healthy and delicious apple horseradish, which is perfect as a spread and side dish, should definitely not be missing from the table during the holiday season.

Apple horseradish


• 150g of fresh horseradish
• 250g of apples
• 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
• 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil


Peel the horseradish and apples, grate finely and mix with vinegar and oil.

Horseradish prepared in this way is an excellent side dish and spread that enriches homemade crispy bread. Instead of ham, we can use smoked tofu and cover the table with a large bowl of salad made from fresh vegetables and chickpeas. For dessert, we prepare a walnut cake made from healthy and tasty ingredients.

Vegan Easter cake


• 500g of semolina flour
• 150g ground walnuts
• 200g of finely chopped dried fruit
• tartar
• 50g of coconut butter
• 5dl of almond or rice milk
• a teaspoon of vanilla powder
• a few spoons of rum
• 2 spoons of honey
• pinch of salt


Heat the oven to 180 degrees. Grease a small baking pan with butter and lightly sprinkle with flour. In a large bowl, mix the flour, fruit, walnuts, tartar and vanilla and mix well. Add the liquid ingredients and pour the thick liquid mixture into the pan. Bake for about an hour, until the pot has a beautiful golden yellow color.

Have a good run and happy holidays!

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