The planet of love enters the constellation Gemini on June 23 and will remain there until July 17, 2022. To whom does the planet of love bring a meeting with a soulmate?
On June 23, Venus entered the constellation Gemini and remains there until July 17. During these three weeks, there will be many opportunities for development and happiness.
Let's see how you can make the most of your potential during this time.
Energy shock
Powerful Venus brings strength and energy. Many will finally get the strength to overcome all kinds of obstacles that have held them back for a long time and made them not dare to venture further. This is the time of a strong burst of strength, energy and will. This is especially important since June 28, when Neptune retrograde began.
Venus is the planet of love. If you already have a soul mate or have just found one, Venus will help you strengthen your relationship, deepen trust, intimacy and take a step forward. But for this you cannot let everything happen by itself. You need to be open to each other, talk about your feelings, what bothers you, what you would like to be better at. This is the only way to create a relationship of trust and respect.
If you are single, Venus will send you many opportunities to meet someone interesting and worthy of attention. Your soulmate won't ring the doorbell! Romance, flirting, dating - all this will happen from June 23 to July 17.
Listen to your body
Venus will give you the necessary energy to overcome fatigue, apathy... If you don't feel well right now, just listen to your body. If you want to go into nature, leave everything and go! If you'd rather stay home and relax, do it. You don't have to force anything.
Who is the luckiest?
Gemini, this is the sign of communication. Therefore, everyone whose work involves communicating with others will have the opportunity to achieve good results. Happiness will follow those who are positive, happy, open, smiling, who want good for themselves as well as others.