
Vessyl Cup: A smart glass that reveals every drop

Who would have thought that a glass would have a function beyond just carrying liquid? Did it serve to make the right decisions that are good for your health? The smart glass Vessyl does just that, and it's also very elegantly packaged.

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Minimalistic glass shape Vessyl it hides more than the first glance reveals. With technology developed for seven years, the Vessyl smart glass only shows its capabilities when a liquid is poured into it: it not only detects the type and amount of drink, but also tells how much sugar, protein, fat, even caffeine it contains... it analyzes all the data, calculates how much you put into your body and sends it to your smart phone, backed by law application. The well-designed product, for which pre-orders are already being collected, is primarily intended to preserve health, as it tries to encourage the user to make better decisions by warning them (according to the set preferences).

What brand of soda did you drink? Vessyl will know. Trying to cut down on caffeine? Vessyl will monitor you and warn you when you reach the limit. Drinking a lot of your favorite flavored water? It will remind you how sweet she is! Do you play sports or sweat on the beach? Vessyl will prevent you from becoming dehydrated.

READ MORE: Technological aids for spring sports activity

Vessyl water, please! To the bottom!

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