
Showcase of the month: Music is part of life

The showcase presents documents from musical life in Ljubljana from the end of the 18th century onwards. The main movers were the Philharmonic Society and the Musical Mother. It was also sung in churches and at events in the Reading Room. The concert schedule, which was also held outdoors in the spring months, presents...

Important information
NMS - Prešernova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

V vitrini so predstavljeni dokumenti iz glasbenega življenja v Ljubljani od konca 18. stoletja naprej. Glavni gibali sta bila Filharmonično društvo in Glasbena matica. Pelo se je tudi v cerkvah in na prireditvah v Čitalnici.
S sporedi koncertov, ki so v pomladnih mesecih potekali tudi na prostem, je predstavljen glasbeni utrip v našem mestu v preteklih stoletjih.  Vitrina bo na ogled od 10. aprila do 15. maja.

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