
Geneva 2014: Volvo Concept Estate – the Scandinavian revolutionary trump card

It is already the case that Volvo is the star of revolutionary ideas and solutions. The brand has an extremely large number of loyal fans and enjoys a cult status in the automotive industry, very comparable to the Apple brand. Have you ever wondered why doctors and architects always drive Volvos in movies? Also due to such conceptual ideas as the new Volvo Concept Estate.

The trailer above is only a forecast of the vehicle that will Volvo as a concept presented on Geneva Motor Show in a few days. It represents a fairly elaborate study, which will see the light of day in a comparable form, as it is based on previous studies Concept Coupe and Concept XC Coupe.

Volvo Concept Estate
Volvo Concept Estate

There is no need to waste words on the shape and design, because you will photographs presented in the gallery all the angles of this extraordinary vehicle. We can expect certain design guidelines seen in this concept already at the end of the year 2014 upon presentation the new XC90. This should practically be given an extremely similar interior to the study itself, which goes in the direction of what has already been seen with the model Tesla S, where the large center console screen reigns supreme.

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