
Water your violets with this natural preparation and they will bloom all year round

Photo: envato

How can violets bloom all year round in all their beauty? You should pay special attention to watering violets.

How with proper watering violet keep them blooming throughout the year? Winter is the time when most plants are resting and preparing for spring, but violets are an exception. These beautiful flowers can still bloom even in the cold months if you give them the right care.

How to water violets so that they are blooming and healthy throughout the year?

Banana peel

Bananas are rich in nutrients, such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium, which are vital for the health of plants, including violets. Take advantage of these beneficial ingredients by using banana peels to make a natural fertilizer.

Photo: envato

Banana peels cut up into small pieces and place them in a bowl or glass. Top them with hot water, that they are completely submerged. Leave them alone soak in water for at least a few days, but ideally if you let them sit for a week or more. During this time, nutrients from the shells will be released into the water, creating a nutrient-rich solution. When the solution is ready, use it to water the violets. Be sure to moisten the soil evenly, but avoid over watering.

Lemon or orange peel

The procedure is simple: take the peel of a lemon or orange and put it in a container with 400 ml of boiling water. Then put the container on a low heat and let the mixture boil cooks for three hours.

This process allows the nutrients and flavors from the shell to be released into the water, creating a rich and nutrient solution. This cooled preparation is then suitable for watering violets, as it provides them with the necessary nutrients for growth and flowering.

May your violet bloom. Photo: Marina Yalanska / Pexels

In addition to watering with natural preparations, there are several other factors that affect the growth and flowering of violets.

Other factors affecting the flowering of violets


Violets need bright but indirect light to grow well. Place them where they will receive a few hours of light a day, but avoid direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves.


Violets are sensitive to temperature changes. The ideal temperature for their growth is between 18 °C and 24 °C. Be careful not to expose them to drafts or sudden temperature changes.

Air humidity

Violets need slightly higher humidity to stay healthy. If the air is too dry, the leaves may dry out and begin to turn yellow. You can also use a humidifier or place them on a tray of wet pebbles to increase the humidity around them.


Use a good quality potting soil that is well drained and rich in nutrients. Violets prefer slightly acidic soil, so make sure the soil pH is appropriate.


Regular fertilization is important for healthy violet growth. Use a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants once a month during the period of active growth. However, over-fertilizing can cause problems, so be careful not to overdo it.

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