
When you know, you know: 20 irrefutable signs that you've found the right person

Simple - when you know, you know!

"When you know, you know." It's a phrase you've heard so many times before. Have you ever wondered what it's supposed to mean? How exactly do you know?

True love requires constant work, effort and understanding. It's not just butterflies in the stomach and walking on clouds. In between is a gray area that makes or breaks you.

How do you know you've found someone worth all the sacrifices? That the right person is by your side, the one who will show you what love really is?

To find out if what you have is just a crush or a healthy relationship in the making, read on.

Fairy tales aren't true, but when you finally feel that click with someone, you don't worry about perfection anymore. When you're with the right person, you move first, regardless of the bumps that life throws at you, knowing that you have the best companion by your side on this journey!

It is difficult to ensure perfect compatibility in your relationship, the 20 signs written below will show you whether what you have is real or just something that will disappear at the first problem.

1. You don't feel the need to hide any part of yourself

Perhaps for the first time ever, you feel free, you feel that you can show your true - authentic self. You no longer feel the need to hide those parts of yourself that the other person might be afraid of.

Why? Because this person does not scare easily. They love your quirkiness, your inability to keep quiet when you get upset, and even your sudden mood swings.

With them, you feel completely free to be who you are when you are together. And this is a sign that you have found your person.

2. You enjoy spending time together, but you also have time for yourself

The foundation of a good partnership is the ability to enjoy the time you are not together. In the time you each take for yourself. So that they nurture the life they have outside of the relationship with their friends and family. At the end of the day, you are the one they come home to.

3. They have the same goals for the future

It is important that they are able to discuss the future. If one of you pretends that your visions are conflicting and avoids talking about it because of that, it's not a good sign. For a relationship to work, you both need to be on the same page.

Of course, you won't discuss this on the first date. But eventually, they should have a mature discussion about this, since they plan to spend their lives together, right? You deserve someone who thinks and imagines the future in a similar way to you.

4. Your fights will be rare but fair

You know it's not about winning. The quarrel is aimed at finding a common solution that will benefit both. No one should walk away as a winner, because that is - for you and them - going against the problem. Few couples truly understand this, but those who do have the best chance for a long-term partnership.

When you have an honest argument, you know you have your best interests at heart. Sometimes during arguments you think about who this person is, but even then you don't even think about saying something you know you'll regret later - because eventually everything gets sorted out by talking.

5. Consider each other's opinions

When you know you know - this is one of the best examples. Your partner asks for your opinion and actually takes it into account. You will never do things without consulting them first because you know that's not how it works.

You are united and value each other's opinion on every topic that affects your relationship.

6. You felt an unusual sense of closeness right from the start

Ever since you met, you felt an unusual sense of closeness. Something you've never felt before. It made you want to really pursue this love story. And it turns out that this is the relationship that brings aging together.

The feeling you've been immersed in since day one has only gotten stronger. Today you love them even more than you thought possible. You couldn't imagine that you could love them more than you did then.

7. Both of you are trying to make the relationship work

The biggest foundation of a romantic relationship is the effort both partners have to put in, and it's a two-way street. If you're the only one struggling to get through the dark times and the other person doesn't care, that kind of relationship will never survive.

But when you're with the right person, the effort on both sides is real. It's always 50:50. On days when you feel bad it's 80:20 because they are always there for you to take the burden off your shoulders when you need them and vice versa.

8. Not much time goes by without seeing each other

Even if your relationship has to survive the distance from Ljubljana to Portorož, make time and see each other regularly. If two weeks have passed, one of you jumps in the car to spend some quality time together.

Why? Because when you know you know! Some people are worth any distance. And it never occurred to you that something like this would affect your relationship. Your love takes precedence over all the miles.

9. You never make empty promises

Nothing says that someone loves you more than the fact that they are always there for you. But not because he has to, but because he really wants to. No matter what your day is like, you'll do your best to stick to the plans you've made.

Of course, sometimes it may not be possible, but they understand that, because they know that you will always have them in mind. They do not make empty promises, but tell each other everything as it is. There are no silly excuses why you won't succeed.

10. You never get nostalgic about being single

You don't miss a single person! Sometimes you scroll through your social media photos from days gone by and you're just relieved that it's gone. You've never felt better.

Feel happy because you will no longer walk through life alone.

11. You met each other's families and friends

Your life has changed since: "I don't even know who you are?" to "What the hell would I do without you!" Who would have thought that you would meet someone you get along with so well and his family. You feel like his family is your family too.

A few years ago you didn't even know they existed, but now you have so many people you care about on your partner's side. And this is a sign that you have met the right person. You don't find visiting her family burdensome. Quite the opposite! You have developed a unique bond with her siblings and their parents adore you.

12. You show your vulnerability and vice versa

No matter how vulnerable you are around your partner, he will never hurt your self-esteem. It's totally okay to be broken and feel lost. He will always be there for you.

A real person will never make you feel that they are bothered because you are sad. They understand that not everything will always be smooth sailing and will be your shoulder to cry on.

13. There is no need to fill the silence with words

You won't always have something to say, but that's the beauty of it. You won't feel the need at all. People who have a strong emotional and mental connection understand that you can enjoy being together without having to talk all the time.

Silence is just as pleasant as conversation. When you get to a place where it's completely normal, even comfortable, there's no doubt that you're with the right person. The silence says it all.

14. There is an emotional, mental and physical connection

There is a real connection between you. When you're with them, it's like they read each other's minds. When they are sad, you are sad. The thing is, they don't even have to say it. You feel it every time.

They are your best friend and you can no longer imagine life without them. They are probably the only person in the world who understands you completely. Some people think that you, but it is not true, only she knows you deeply. It's scary, terrifying, and just plain awesome.

15. They trust each other with everything

We would trust them with our lives; that is never in question. If you were in dire straits and only had one phone call, you would call them because you know they will answer.

Somehow you simply feel that you are safest in their hands. But you can't even explain exactly why.

16. You accept their mistakes and shortcomings

Don't you know there is no such thing as perfection? No matter how hard you try, you will never find the perfect partner. There will always be that annoying habit that they just can't seem to break.

When you realize that you cannot change a person, that's when you know what true love is. Love is there, despite all the faults and imperfections. Love is messy, but when it's real, you just don't care about the downsides.

17. Their presence makes you feel happy and fulfilled

Small things make a difference. You don't need grand gestures or constant declarations of love. You need them by your side – physically. That's it.

When they are with you, you feel whole. You no longer need, want or long for anything. Their presence is all you will ever need to be happy in life. It may sound silly or even cheesy, but - when you know, you know.

18. Make each other smile

They make each other laugh without even trying. Humor is an important part of a healthy relationship. You can't always be serious. Who will cheer you up when life is pushing you down?

When you need someone to lift you up, give you a hand, you know who to call. Laughter comes so easily with them. It's because they know you so well.

19. The most boring things are extremely exciting with them

A simple thing like going to the store suddenly seems so much fun. When you're with the right person, you'll have fun no matter what you're doing. It's always fun. You don't even have to say anything and you'll already be giggling knowing what they're thinking.

20 .Their happiness is your happiness

When they are sad, you are sad. When they are happy, you are happy for them to the moon. Their joy makes you a happier person and that is a sign of true love.

You don't need constant tokens of affection or material things. All you need is your partner. Their happiness is the most important thing to you - second only to your own.

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