
9 things only those who live far away from their family can understand

"A family where life begins and love never ends." - Unknown author

People get separated from their families for all sorts of things. Sometimes it's work, schooling, and sometimes it's the desire to travel. When you are not at home, your view of the world changes.

You will feel lonely at times, but wherever you go, take comfort in the thought that the spirit of your family will always be with you.

What does separation from your family bring you?

1. You start thinking with your head

Family is a pillar that provides you with emotional and spiritual support when you need it. When you move away from her, you start seeing things from your own perspective and you start caring about yourself.

2. You feel excluded from family events

Whether it's birthdays or anniversaries, you're slowly starting to forget how important events are celebrated in your family. You'll probably wish your mom a happy birthday on Skype or Facebook, but you'll miss the joy you felt celebrating big events with your family.

3. Use the holidays to visit them

While others see the holidays as a time to take a break from your family, for you, a holiday is a time you use to visit your family. And yet, you always feel like these vacations are kind of unfinished because you never have enough time to be with your family and relax.

4. You know how to adapt to a new environment

You have managed to adapt to the new environment and feel good. You consider yourself a cosmopolitan, knowing that you can survive without the constant support of your family. You are independent, brave and strong no matter where life throws you.

5. Sometimes you get nostalgic

Homesickness has a different meaning for each person, but most consider home to be where family is. You miss the food, the laughter, the atmosphere and you really want to be with your family. Sometimes you experience this struggle with nostalgia as a kind of sacrifice on your part.

6. You understand and appreciate the meaning of the word family

Somewhere along the way, you learned what family means. You miss the love and support you had when you were with them. Remember with pleasure the beautiful moments you spent together. You like people who make you feel at home.

7. Sometimes you doubt whether you have made the right decision

Sometimes you think about your life and wonder if the decision to move so far away from home was the right one. You realize that this is a new phase in your life and that you need time to get used to being alone and learn to solve your own problems.

8. You begin to see the differences between people and places

It became clear to you that a family is made up of people, not a place. You try to stay in touch and talk as often as possible. Other places will never mean as much to you as time spent with your family.

9. Your relationship with your family is constantly evolving

If you had stayed with your family, your relationship would never have developed this way. When you separate from other family members, your relationship with them develops and takes a new shape. Sometimes your parents stop treating you like a child and start seeing you – as a serious adult.

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