
What happens if you zoom in on photos on Google Maps too much?

Google Maps footage that will give you nightmares.

Did you sleep too well last night? Then check out what happens when you zoom in on photos on Google Maps too much. As it turned out, due to a computer error, we can expect distorted recordings. People without limbs, animals with two heads, twisted faces. The display angle from your worst nightmare!

What happens if you zoom in too much photos on Google Maps? Digital artist Kyle F. Willaim collects photos on Google Maps that are distorted due to a bug in the system.

READ MORE: Your Timeline: Google Maps lets you retrace your steps

It's real bizarre scenes with animals with two heads, disappearing people (like the scene from Back to the Future where the children slowly disappear) and sleepers (as Picasso would "paint" them if he lived in the 21st century and used Photoshop instead of painting tools), people headless (like a scene from the movie The Headless Horseman) and "torn off" limbs (like watching the series The Living Dead).

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