
What happens to the body if you sleep less than six hours?

Photo: Alexandra Gorn/Unsplash

Insomnia is a problem that many people face and it has consequences for the human brain, weight and immune system. Every third person suffers from poor sleep, and everyday stress and workload are often to blame. Poor sleep puts you at risk for a variety of health conditions, including obesity, coronary heart disease and diabetes, and shortens life expectancy. It is clear that a good night's sleep is essential for a long and healthy life. We reveal to you the consequences of poor sleep.

Heart problems

Various global analyzes have shown that less than six hours of sleep per night is negative affects heart health. With less sleep, the chances of developing coronary heart disease and stroke increase.

Decreased libido

Short sleep can reduce sex drive. The study showed that in young men who slept less, their testosterone levels dropped by as much as 10 to 15 percent. They also said that their mood for sex had dropped considerably.

Weight gain

Lack of sleep can cause an increase body weight. The study looked at the relationship between sleep and body weight in 21,469 adults over the age of 20. People who slept less than five hours each night during the three-year study gained weight. Those who slept between seven and eight hours fared better.


Irregular sleep

Even changing the clock or different working conditions disturb the human biorhythm. When a person changes his schedule from day to day, it causes stress on the body, which leads to insomnia.


A routine is essential for quality sleep. Analyzes show that regular sleep is important for maintenance a good immune system to fight various viruses and colds.

Experts have found that the brain during the day they produce toxins, the accumulation of which is associated with neurocognitive decline leading to Alzheimer's disease and dementia. When human the body sleeps, the brain not only stops producing toxins, but also produces fluids that removes toxins. Also, during sleep, the human body produces and releases proteins called cytokines, which destroy infections and inflammation.


It's for quality sleep necessary routine. It's not even that important how many hours you sleep, it's more important that you go to bed every day at the same time. It is necessary to set a bedtime and stick to it, every day, even during the weekends.

It should be removed for quality sleep all disturbing elements, television and mobile screens, because only this disturbs the body. It is also recommended not to sleep in a room that is too hot. Also, make sure you have a clean bed and be more active during the day, as this will make it easier for you to fall asleep at night.

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