
What kind of rose to give for March 8, Women's Day?

Before you give a rose or a bouquet of roses for March 8 this year, read our guide to the symbolism of this extremely beautiful flower. Each color of a rose has its own meaning. So what color of roses to give for March 8, Women's Day?

Have you ever wondered what flowers to give to your dearest women for women's day? The rose is one of the most beautiful flowers that fascinates people all over the world because of its color, smell and flower shape. To many, it means a symbol of affection and love, but we must know that it has each color has its own meaning. If several roses of different colors are combined with each other, with a little imagination, one bouquet can convey a whole sentence. That a rose is simply not just a rose, they were already convinced in Victorian times, when they with the help of flowers, lovers communicated secretly. So let's check what color roses to give for Women's Day, if you would like to express something more with a gift.

What rose will we choose for Women's Day?

Red rose - love

The classic red rose says "I love you". It also means respect, beauty, perfection and courage. It is an ideal gift for Women's Day, Valentine's Day, anniversaries and birthdays, if you give it to the person you feel the most for.

White rose - wedding, spirituality, new beginning

The white rose is traditionally associated with marriage and new beginnings, but it can also express a touch of melancholy, innocence and mystery. In any case, a bouquet of white roses is a suitable gift in the event of thanksgiving.

White roses
White roses

Pink rose - affection, gratitude, elegance

A pink rose expresses elegance, gratitude and affection. We give a pink rose to a woman whom we admire and are extremely fond of, but we are not (yet) ready to say "I love you". It is an ideal gift for women who mean a lot to us in our lives, but who are not our better half.

A pink rose
A pink rose

Orange rose – passion, enthusiasm, longing

The energetic color of the rose is a suitable choice for everyone who would like to tell their loved one that they feel extreme enthusiasm and hot-blooded passion for her.

Dark red/purple rose - beauty, enchantment

A deep red, almost purple rose expresses extreme fascination with the beauty of the woman to whom the rose is given.

Dark red roses
Dark red roses

Yellow rose - infidelity, friendship, health

The sunny color of the rose not only expresses friendship, health and joy, but is also a symbol of infidelity. Let's give it to a friend who we would like to brighten her day or wish her a speedy recovery, but let's avoid them when choosing a gift for our loved one.

Yellow roses
Yellow roses

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