
What is the drawer under the oven for? Certainly not to storing trays!

It's more than just storage space!

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered if the drawer under the oven has more meaning than just a place to store trays?

The drawer under the oven is often overlooked and is only seen as an additional space for storing kitchen utensils. However, this part of the oven offers more functionality than we might imagine.

Did you know that it contributes to a better organization? kitchen and even improves baking results.

What is the drawer under the oven for?

What do you use the drawer under the oven for? Photo: Andrea Davis/Unsplash

Storage of kitchen utensils

The bottom drawer of the oven is perfect for storing frequently used kitchen utensils such as trays, containers and baking trays. This ensures unobstructed access to these utensils while keeping the kitchen area tidy. It is often equipped with sliding guides, which allows easy access even during baking.

Additional features for improved usability

Some modern ovens have additional functions that further improve the usability of the bottom drawer. For example, the ventilation slots allow air to circulate, which is ideal when baking bread. The possibility of draining moisture through the drawer is also useful in maintaining a crispy crust on baked bread.

Keeping warm

An important function of the bottom drawer is also heat preservation. When preparing larger meals or dishes that require serving at the same time, the bottom drawer can act as a great place to keep warm. This avoids the prepared dishes from cooling down while you finish the rest of the cooking.

Aaron Peterson explained to his followers on the social network TikTok what the drawer at the very bottom of the stove is for.

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