
What does the Arabic proverb "Never speak ill of yourself" mean?

The mysterious power of words

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Words have incredible power. With their meaning and vibration, they can shape our beliefs, influence our actions, and determine the course of our lives.

An ancient Arabic proverb speaks of the power of the words you speak to yourself.

This one ancient wisdom says: "Don't talk bad about yourself." It may seem like a simple statement at first glance, but it carries a deeper meaning that reveals an important life lesson. In a world where we are often obsessed with others' opinions and criticism, the question arises - are we capable of treating ourselves in the same way?

In Arab countries, this proverb often used as a reminder, that our attitude towards ourselves shows how others treat us. If we underestimate our abilities and doubt ourselves, we put obstacles in the way of our dreams and goals from the beginning. If we don't value ourselves, others follow our example and treat us the same.

If we behave with dignity and self-confidence, we communicate to others that we are worthy of respect and equal treatment.

This message is particularly illustrated in the Arabic story of old Ockham, who worked hard for ten years to dig a lake for water. When he finally succeeded, he looked down on his work instead of rejoicing in his accomplishment. As a result, other people also began to treat the lake he had created with disdain.

Watch what you say. Photo: Emiliano Vittoriosi / Unsplash

Although he was pained by how people treated his work, he could not do anything because the actions of others reflected his own attitude.

This story offers us an important lesson. Regardless of what others think of us, our own opinion of ourselves is key. We must not belittle our achievements and abilities. Instead, we must learn to value and respect ourselves so that we can lay the foundation for others to treat us with dignity.

An old Arabic proverb reminds us of the power of words and their impact on our lives. If we want to reach our full potential, it is crucial that we choose words that uplift and inspire us. Regardless of what others tell us, we are the ones who shape our reality through our self-talk.

Therefore, let's realize the power of words and si let's lay the foundations of positive self-talk. Let's be aware of our values, talents and successes and express them with confidence. Let's change our inner dialogue and create a strong and stimulating environment within ourselves. When we start talking about ourselves in a loving way, we will notice how our lives begin to transform.

So, let's pay attention to the words we say about ourselves, because they have the power to shape our reality. We choose words of love, confidence and encouragement and build the foundation of success that comes from our inner world.

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