
What men really notice in a woman during an intimate relationship

Photo: twenty20

Women are often overwhelmed by uncertainty and complexes that spoil the pleasure of an intimate act. Men tell you to relax and enjoy yourself, but he knows that you don't trust them at all.

Do you wonder if men notice all the things about you that make you insecure? But a man will not notice your peeling nail polish, waxed legs and untidy hair, nor will he look critically at you when you undress.

But you look at yourself and critically observe your body, trying to cover your flaws with clothes. The problem comes when you have to take them off. You become awkward and insecure when you are naked in front of his eyes. But he will not notice your flaws, he will only see what he likes and what excites him.

Women, accept yourself, love your body and get rid of the inhibitions due to your complexes. The man notices only the following:

Your rapid breathing and sighs

He'll hear his touch quicken your breath, how you sigh when he hugs you, because these are cues that tell him you like what he's doing and that you want him.


They will notice your hard nipples

Nipples react to sensations and harden when you are very aroused or close to climax. And even touching them, or putting your hand on his chest, or telling him what to do will increase his arousal.


Each body has a specific odor, and the odors intensify during intimate intercourse and remain on the skin and bedding after a passionate act.


Playfulness and initiative

Men love women who enjoy intimacy and who show their lust and playfulness. When you take the initiative and reach for him first, or when you suggest a desired pose or tell him what to do, then he is confident. He will notice your shyness, fear and will greatly appreciate any progress in this sense!


Your movement

When you give in to pleasure, your body spontaneously moves against his, allowing him more things that he otherwise wouldn't. He sees the expression of pleasure on your face, the muscles tensing and the body shaking uncontrollably from climax.


Forget about your biggest complexes and insecurities - the tummy you can't hide, the big butt and thighs that make you feel angry at your body because you can't look the way you want. But for him, you are the most beautiful as you are. He touches what turns him on the most - a soft and supple feminine body that pulses in his hands and responds to his every touch.

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