
What does the shape of your hand say about your personality?

What does the shape of your hand say about your personality? Some researchers say that a lot, while others are of the opinion that such a prediction is not possible. What you believe is entirely your decision. We have prepared an article for you about what five different palm shapes say about a person's personality. It might make your decision easier.

What does the shape of your hand say about your personality? Researchers are divided on this. You can read one of the theories in the article. Hand shapes are named after the fundamental elements.


People with this type of palm have wide palms and fingers. These people are gentle, grateful and humble by nature. They are very down to earth and value their roots. They fall in love quite easily and can be sentimental. In most cases, they are very selfless.



People with such palms have long fingers and a flat palm shape. These people are very ambitious, quick thinking and full of energy. They clearly say what they want and have a defined vision that they follow tirelessly. They make decisions easily.



The shape of these palms is somewhat stocky, but with long fingers. These individuals are very talented in adapting to change. They are excellent observers and can be very diplomatic. They are open to differences and invest a lot in interpersonal relationships.



These arms are long, lean and have a clearly visible skeletal structure. People with such hands are mostly creative and have a developed aesthetic sense. They are also very emotional and stubborn. They know how to act unapproachable in a large company, but in intimate relationships they soon turn out to be warm and approachable people.



People with this palm type have angular palms and slightly shorter fingers. They are excellent leaders, enterprising and very strong in logical thinking. They don't let their emotions cloud their rational judgment.

READ MORE: 5 unusual things women like about men


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