
These are the things that lower our well-being and that we unconsciously do on a daily basis

Many times in our lives we do things for wrong motives. We hang out with people who drain our energy and lower our self-esteem with excessive self-criticism. The first step to improvement is to become aware of these patterns. Read what are the things that lower our well-being and that we unconsciously do every day.

These are the things that lower our well-being and that we unconsciously do on a daily basis.

Hanging out with the wrong people

Humans are very social and collective creatures. We are born helpless and completely dependent on our guardians. Contrary to popular opinion, even in our adulthood, we depend on others for many things, and it is difficult for us to afford a strict individualistic attitude. Therefore, it is understandable that for the sake of good interpersonal relations we put up with many things and give up many things. However, it is necessary to distinguish between relationships that benefit us and are worth our personal sacrifices, and relationships that only drain our energy and in which we persist for the wrong reasons.

Denial of your emotions

Denying your feelings never leads to anything productive. According to Freud, the suppression of emotions inevitably leads to even greater tension and a whole host of complications at the behavioral, emotional and cognitive levels of the human psyche. It is true that emotions such as sadness, envy, jealousy, helplessness, shame are difficult and unpleasant. However, denial leads to greater distress, while facing them allows for personal growth and development.

You can't suppress emotions
You can't suppress emotions

Holding a grudge

In life, it happens to everyone that at some point they are cheated, the victim of an unsavory joke or someone breaks their heart. However, resentment can only cause more pain.

Comparison with others

Comparing yourself to others is so commonplace that you probably do it without realizing it. However, it is neither rational nor productive. Each individual is unique and therefore comparison is a fruitless dystopia. It is necessary to become aware of such behavior and to consciously stop it every time, and to practice the development of self-respect and self-love.

READ MORE: 6 Things You Shouldn't Do While Kissing

In the age of social networks, we compare ourselves with others even more often
In the age of social networks, we compare ourselves with others even more often

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