
What to do when you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep?

Photo: envato

Do you often wake up at night and can't get back to sleep? We reveal to you a way to help you fall asleep!

There is nothing worse and more frustrating than waking up in the night and not being able to go back to sleep. You toss and turn on the bed, look at the clock, get angry with yourself, and sleep doesn't come from nowhere.

What do sleep experts advise?

When you wake up at night, don't look at your watch, especially your phone. Not only can exposure to blue light keep you awake longer, but when you see what time it is, you're frustrated that you haven't slept in a long time, causing even more frustration.

Would you like to sleep but there is no way? Photo: Kinga Cichewicz / Unsplash

Experts recommend that if you can't sleep, get out of bed. If your brain is activated and you can no longer fall asleep, get up, sit where you feel good, in your favorite place in the apartment, and do something calm and relaxing. For example, read, write, meditate...

This activity may not put you to sleep, but the purpose of getting up is to understand that the bed is not a place to toss and toss to fall asleep. Because the more you struggle in bed and try to fall asleep, the more your mind will associate bed with lack of rest.

How to prevent these night awakenings? Try going to bed later. Although it sounds strange because everyone usually advises you to go to bed earlier, this can be a good strategy if you have trouble sleeping. Not feeling sleepy can actually make the whole thing worse. It's much better, yes you go to sleep when you are really sleepy! Not only will you fall asleep faster, but you'll probably wake up less.

Before going to bed, completely darken the room, because the light from the street can wake you up. Cool the room so that it is comfortable for sleeping and full of oxygen, turn off electrical devices.

Weighted quilt

From the moment it hit the market, the weighted quilt revolutionized sleep and was named one of the best inventions by the prestigious Time magazine. It can weigh up to fifteen kilograms, acts like a soft but firm hug and helps many to fall asleep easier and sleep better.

Photo: JYSK

With its weight, the weighted quilt creates a pleasant and even deep pressure throughout the body, i.e. Deep Pressure Touch Stimulation (DPTS), which has a relaxing effect on the body, like a big warm and firm hug. Many studies have confirmed that DPTS helps release hormones (serotonin and melatonin) that have a calming effect, promote a reduction in stress levels, or reduce the level of cortisol (a stress hormone), which accelerates the heartbeat. The deep pressure helps to slow down the heartbeat and thus brings a feeling of calmness and comfort, which is an excellent prerequisite for quality sleep. But when you fall asleep, you will sleep more peacefully with a weighted quilt, as it reduces the possibility of moving in your sleep (for example, in case of restless legs syndrome). Regardless of whether you have difficulty falling asleep, find it difficult to catch quality sleep or simply had a stressful day and would like to relax, a weighted quilt will contribute to quality rest that will provide you with enough energy and a better mood.

Danish retail chain JYSK offers all kinds of quilts, pillows and beds for quality sleep and well-deserved rest, including this one a special type of blanket.

Good and peaceful night!

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