
What to do when your life is falling apart: four simple strategies for positive action

"We all lose something we hold dear. Lost opportunities, lost possibilities, feelings that can never be regained. That's what it means to be alive." - Haruki Murakami

No one is immune to life's blows. We've all experienced some difficult situations at some point - some big, some small. Sudden illness, business challenges, severe sadness, impossible situations...

What should you do when everything in your life seems bad? No matter how strong you think you are, from time to time you face difficult situations that can leave you feeling lost. Maybe you are in a similar situation right now? Feeling vulnerable and unable to find your way out of a seemingly dark period?

If this is the case, know that you are not alone. We all get lost from time to time. You may feel helpless. Not at all. If this is your current situation, then you need to get in touch with those closest to you.

When everything seems to be falling apart, consider these simple strategies, which can save you and bring you back to normal.

1. "Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together." – Marilyn Monroe

When you experience something bad, do you ever stop and ask yourself what good can come out of it? Even though times like these don't feel good, the universe sometimes takes things away from you to make room for bigger, better things.

In every misfortune, you will realize that there is a reason to feel happier than you were before. This comes in the form of a valuable life lesson, personal growth or a new relationship, opportunity, success. "Everything happens for a reason" – it may indeed be the biggest cliché, but it's a cliché worth remembering!

"Everything happens for a reason!"
"Everything happens for a reason!"

2. "Pain is imminent. Suffering is a choice.” – Haruki Murakami

Pain is part of life, part of every individual. Your happiness is determined by how you choose to think and act during and after a painful experience. Many people make the mistake of hiding their pain because they are afraid to feel the pain. While this is completely natural, it can only prolong the painful experience and end up making them suffer even more.

Learn to accept your emotions - process them. Ask yourself, do you want to live in pain or do you want to move on? It's not easy, but now you know what you need to do to get rid of it.

3. "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is still a mystery, today is a gift." – Joan Rivers

Feeling lost? Look at yourself, right now in this moment. Are you breathing? Is your heart pounding? If the answer is "YES!", then you are doing great. When life gives you something bad, your only problem should be the "here and now".

When you feel lost, anxious and unable to find your way, the root of the problem is usually guilt from the past and fear of the future. When you feel like everything is out of your control, remember that there is one thing you can believe in - the present moment. There is no greater gift than the here and now.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is still a mystery, today is a gift."
"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is still a mystery, today is a gift."

4. "When you don't like something, you have to change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.” – Maya Angelou

If you are the creator of your life, then you must take responsibility for your emotions. In a world where many things are seemingly out of our control, remember that you can always control one thing - your words.

The words your thoughts create, the words that tell your story. A story you can tell yourself and dictate how you feel. If something makes you unhappy, change it with your words. Tell yourself a happier, lighter, liberating story about the way things are. Even the smallest movement can lead to the biggest discovery.

So when you're feeling down, remember these four simple strategies for positive action.

If everything is fine in your life, great! But remember this anyway and keep it somewhere inside you, just in case!

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