
What is the perfect butt? In the form of a peach, pear, apple, tomato...?

We all want a nice butt, but we are often too self-critical!

Slightly flatter, rounder, taut, protruding - whatever it is, A woman's buttocks almost always attract men's gaze. After a lot of research, it turned out that 25 percent of men look at a woman's butt first – no, not into her beautiful eyes. And it is also important to us women how our buttocks will look in jeans, on the beach... And whether our buttocks are close to perfection, we should be able to also calculated.

Is your butt close to perfect?
Is your butt close to perfect?

Stable spine, nice butt

Scientists from the University of Texas discovered that a nice butt is not necessarily a big butt. It should be of key importance curvature of the spine over the buttocks and in light of that, a man's butt is supposed to drive him crazy (or not). It's a perfect curvature 45.5 degrees, and this angle - evolutionarily speaking - indicates that the woman is healthy and ready for a carefree pregnancy.

Perfect Buttock Index

There are a few other theories. The University of Lancashire also claims to have found the key to the perfect butt, and it should divide waist circumference by hip circumference. If the result 0,7, then in their opinion you have a really nice butt.

If your score is 0.7, then according to the University of Lancashire you have a really nice bum.
If your score is 0.7, then according to the University of Lancashire you have a really nice bum.

A little butt guide

Many men judge a beautiful butt by its shape. Let's see what all the shapes we know.

This buttock shape is very popular and is reputed to be ideal: small, round and firm. Every tenth woman is said to have this shape.

An apple
Core and round, many women wish they had such an ass. This shape looks great in jeans.

15 percent of women are said to have a pear-shaped butt. Like the fruit, this butt is narrower at the waist and fuller down.

Men fall on their bums, one way or another.
Men fall on their bums, one way or another.

This shape is similar to the shape of peaches, round and small, but not as wormy. About 45 percent of women are said to have such an ass.

There is also this form of potato. This means that the buttocks are bigger and wider. Almost 30 percent of all women are said to have such a butt. And no, men don't hate them. Even such asses have their fans.

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