
When is the right time to give up your love for him... and start loving yourself

Photo: envato

In life, we face different relationships, but sometimes we find ourselves faced with a difficult decision: whether to persist in a relationship that does not fulfill us or to give up love in search of our own inner peace and start loving ourselves.

Self-love is the cornerstone of happiness and satisfaction in life. In a world where we are often pushed to yes we love and care for others, we can forget to love ourselves.

In today's fast-paced life and the frequent challenges we face, taking care of our own mental and emotional well-being is crucial. However, self-love is more than just a phrase; it is deeply rooted a sense of self-respect, which directs us to accept ourselves as we are and love ourselves in all aspects - both in our best and in the most difficult moments of life. It is a process that requires determination, self-awareness and openness to growth.

When you decide it's time to quit to love those who don't love you, this often reflects inner growth and maturation. In life, we often stand up for others - family, friends, partners, colleagues. In this constant pursuit of the love and approval of others, we can forget one thing key person: yourself.

Stand up for yourself. Photo: Alexey Turenkov/Unsplash

So when is the right time to stop loving others and start loving ourselves?

Loss of own identity

If you've lost touch with your interests, passions, and values because of conforming to other people, it might be time to start loving yourself. Self-love means being aware of your needs and living according to your values.

Constantly seeking validation from others

There is nothing wrong with seeking validation from others, but one must first find validation within oneself. If you are constantly looking for approval outside of yourself, it shows a lack of inner confidence. Self-love means building the inner strength to value yourself independently of external opinions. Start loving yourself by learning to value your qualities independently of the opinions of others.

Toxic relationships

If you are in a toxic relationship where you are being abused or disrespected by your partner or friends, it is important to set boundaries and break free from those relationships. Self-love means standing up for yourself, no matter how hard it seems. It is an expression of respect for one's own worth.


If you're constantly exhausted from taking care of others without attending to your own needs, it's time to start loving yourself. If you're feeling exhausted or burned out from taking care of others, it's time to focus on yourself. Self-love means taking care of your needs, listening to your body and resting when needed. Set your priorities, learn to say no and take time for yourself.

It's time for you! Now! Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

Negative self-image

If you constantly criticize yourself, don't feel worthy enough or have low self-esteem, it's time to start working on your self-esteem and start loving yourself. Self-acceptance is key to inner satisfaction.

Self-love is not selfishness

It's not something you have to earn or wait for the right moment. The right time to start loving yourself is always now. When you begin to love yourself, you discover an inner strength that guides you through life with confidence, happiness, and peace.

It is important to understand that self-love it is not limited to a specific period or situation in life. It is an ongoing journey that requires awareness, self-respect and loving choices towards yourself. Listen to your feelings, be honest with yourself, and seek professional support if you're struggling with self-acceptance.

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