
When is the right time to get married?

Photo: Eugenivy / Unsplash

When is the right time to get married? A question that we keep asking ourselves and a question that many psychologists and psychotherapists are thinking about.

This time we will present you with some useful tips that will help you see yourself, your desires and feelings, all in order to make the right decision that will provide you with the future you want.

It's time to break the taboos!


Do not rely on the comments of those around you

Marriage is a personal decision.

Psychotherapists point out that most people are under pressure from their surroundings with various news, such as, for example, that their peers got married, or they point out the importance of the very act of marriage and entering into marriage.

It's clear that your parents or friends want the best for you, but that's their personal view. What's best for them may not be for you, so follow your personal gut feeling. Don't let yourself fall into a crisis because those around you compare you to other people - stay who you are.

Marriage is your decision. Photo: Jan Pictures / Unsplash

Marriage is solely your and your partner's decision, you don't need to discuss this topic with those around you. Frankly tell the people who stifle you that this is your decision, the more they will respect you and understand that you are decisive and independent, that you do not need their help.

Please yourself and your partner

Don't let society limit you, try to please yourself and your loved one so that every day will be filled with love and positive energy. Do not abandon mutual agreements. Keep your word, your determination and discipline can only strengthen the relationship.

Build complete trust and peace in your relationship with your partner and be aware that there will always be arguments. Psychotherapists warn that you should not count the years of the relationship, but rather focus on its quality.

May you be bound by love. Photo: Samantha Gades/Unsplash

If you don't feel that you and your partner are spiritually connected enough to get married and you've been together for, say, five years, and that's what everyone expects of you, follow yourself.

Work on the quality of your relationship before marriage, that you may enjoy love throughout your life. When you are sure that you have gained complete trust and a sense of understanding, and thus a deep peace in the relationship, you will know in your heart that it is time to marry your love.

Follow yourself, your desires and needs!

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