
When someone close to you gets angry, remember this story!

"People are often lonely because they build walls instead of building bridges." - Unknown author

Once two brothers were arguing. They lived on neighboring farms. It was their first serious fight in forty years.

That day, their mutual affection collapsed.

It all started with a small misunderstanding that led to a big fight and harsh words, followed by weeks spent in silence.

And then one morning someone knocked on his older brother's door. He opened them and saw a man with carpentry tools. "I am looking for a job," he said. "Would it be possible to find a job for me on your farm?"

"Would," said the older brother. “I know what you could do for me. See that house on the other side of the creek? My neighbor lives there, my younger brother. Last week there was a meadow between us, but he dug something from the river to here and now there is a stream between us. He only did this to hurt me. See those logs by the barn? I want you to build a two-meter fence so that I can no longer see him or his house.”

Carpenter said: "Everything is clear to me. Give me nails and a drill and you will see how good a fence I can make.”

The older brother had to go to town, so he gave the carpenter the necessary materials and left. He worked hard all day, measuring, sawing...

When the elder brother returned at dusk, he was astonished and surprised!

There was no fence at all. A carpenter built a bridge that connected the two banks of the stream. He was beautiful, and from his other side, his younger brother was approaching the bridge with outstretched arms.

"You are a really good person because you built a bridge after everything I said and did to you," said the younger brother.

The two brothers stood on their own side of the bridge, slowly making their way towards each other. They met in the middle.

They watched as the carpenter picked up his toolbox and started on his way. “Hey, wait! Stay with us for a few days, there are still many things I could do,” said the older brother.

“I would love to,” said the carpenter "but I still have many bridges to build."

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