
When to put away the Christmas tree? On candlelight or on twelfth night?!

Photo: envato

Do you know when to put away the Christmas tree? When Christmas is over, many people take down the decorations and put the tree back in the basement, while others keep the decorations up until February.

People are different, and so are our opinions about when to put away the Christmas tree. Some do it before the new year, while others wait until February. Is there a rule of thumb when to put away the Christmas tree? Of course, but this varies by religion and individual countries.

Photo: Unsplash/Alsu Vershinina

Twelfth Night

Christian tradition from the 4th century dictates that the Christmas tree should be put away on Twelfth Night. This marks the end of the Christmas season, and the tree should say goodbye until the first days of January. After Advent, which lasts four weeks before Christmas, according to Christian tradition, the Christmas season should last for another 12 days. In 2024, Twelfth Night is somewhere between January 5 and 6, and the dates depend on tradition.

If you don't put away the Christmas decorations by then, it is said to bring bad luck. The Christian holiday of the Epiphany brings the holy three kings or wise men who visit Jesus in the manger, and by then the Christmas decorations should already be in the basement or at least on the way there.

Photo: Unsplash/Annie Spratt


Of course, traditions differ. The Roman Catholic Church allows the Christmas tree and nativity scene and other decorations to remain until the priestess. That's until February 2nd. The priestess commemorates the sacrifice of Jesus in the temple. This means that Catholics can keep their Christmas decorations up until February, but some want to keep the holiday spirit going until the end of winter.

There is another, less well-known tradition that is difficult to attribute to any religious belief. According to this tradition, the Christmas tree should be put away by New Year's Eve. That means until December 31. Decorations and trees should be put away before midnight, i.e. before the start of the new year. Those who are more superstitious believe that it brings bad luck if you keep the Christmas tree even in the new year.

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