
How to prepare a cheese plate like the real French

Photo: envato

Do you know how to properly prepare a cheese board? If your answer is no, then just check the tips below.

How to prepare a cheese plate? A proper serving of a cheese board is a real masterpiece. And the French are the ones who shine the most in this. V France cheese is served, regardless of the hour. For breakfast, lunch, brunch or even as a dessert. With a glass of wine or accompanied by pastries. But in order to really enjoy cheese, it is crucial to know how to serve it correctly. So at the right temperature and the right shape.

Photo: Unsplash/Lindsay Moe

Do you know how to properly prepare a cheese board?

It is essential to take the cheese out of the refrigerator at least half an hour before serving. You slice it right before you put it on a plate and serve. If the cut is left on the plate for too long, it may dry out and lose its aroma. A cheese peeler will come in handy for cutting harder cheeses, and for softer cheeses, use a special knife or even a spoon. You cut cheeses with a spatula, which crumbles during cutting.

According to etiquette, the cheese should be cut in such a way that everyone can taste its core. But also the edge of the cheese together with the crust. Etiquette also dictates that you never flatten the tip of the cheese. Cut hard cheeses in a round loaf like a cake, into slices. For flat ones, start cutting from the front towards the outer edge. It is best to cut the reel in half first so that it can be divided as evenly as possible.

Photo: envato

Cut soft cheeses into flat slices (Cut from the middle to the rind or outer edge). The slices should not be thicker than a centimeter.

Cut the cheeses in the shape of a pyramid or a cone, first into quarters, and then into triangles. If the cheese has mold on the outside, you can cut it off beforehand to make your work easier. Each person should cut off the crust on a plate.

Also, keep the cheese on the plate separate from the cured meats. If not, he will get sick of their smell.

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