
When you demo iOS9 to Apple fans on an iPhone, which is actually Android

Prank: When Android Disguises as iOS9

We all know that Apple's sheep take the things that this brand offers to customers for dry gold. Like the orthodox, they also cannot see beyond what Apple offers, so any argument with them that there are better products in the world is fruitless. As such, they are the target of pranksters, and finally they were indulged by Dutch "pranksters", who presented the long-awaited iOS9 operating system to passers-by on an iPhone, which was actually Android OS in disguise. And the reactions? They were thrilled!

Apple fans are in happy anticipation of the new mobile iOS9 operating system. That all that glitters is not gold is a saying unknown to them, so the praises will rain on him no matter what. At the same time, many ardent Apple users do not realize or do not want to realize that they are for "Android users" many innovations from last year's snow. Ignorance is a choice, even for the most faithful iBelievers they will never admit and will scream to the sky that Apple is the best. But the facts speak for themselves.

READ MORE: Apple introduced a new generation of iPod players

Conclusion. It doesn't matter what Apple offers to customers, because people will think it's prettier and better than the competition anyway.
Conclusion. It doesn't matter what Apple offers to customers, because people will think it's prettier and better than the competition anyway.

Check out how Dutch youngsters treated unsuspecting random Apple fans to their iPhone demoed iOS9, which was actually Android. Thinking that it is an autumn novelty, they are about him sang hymns, but if we knew that it was the devil disguised in angelic clothes, the story would probably be completely different, so we doubt that there were any converts after that. Because it doesn't exist through Apple.

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