
When you're not enough for each other: 4 questions that will tell you if an open relationship makes sense for you

When you're not enough for each other: 4 questions that will tell you if an open relationship makes sense for you

In modern times, the topic of an open relationship is no longer taboo, as couples who live such a lifestyle no longer hide. Does such a relationship make sense for both of you?

In Western societies, there is a lot of talk about an open relationship or marriage. For some couples, the very thought of 'sharing' a partner is terrifying, but the number of those who can give themselves to several people at the same time and watch their partner in the arms of other lovers is increasing - in the sense that such couples hide more, because they do not perceive it as taboo topic, but as a way of their life.

A harmonious life between two people is the traditional norm of our societies and also research, published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, have shown that it is one in five Americans in an open relationship, and that kind of relationship is something that is becoming more and more common supports people.

One in five Americans are in an open relationship.
One in five Americans are in an open relationship.

The distinction between commitment to one person and an open relationship is an issue that affects everyone involved in the relationship, so it makes sense to find common answers to the questions of whether an open relationship makes sense for you too, before the line between an open relationship and jumping over the fence becomes unclear.

Let's start with these four questionsanja, which can be a starting point for you when making decisions, what kind of marriage do you want to live in 'for the rest of your days'.

1. Why are we attracted to this type of relationship?

If you two talk about wanting to live in an open relationship, make sure that you support this idea with an argument, because marriage counselors believe that the purpose of an open relationship should not be aimed at solving unmet needs in the primary relationship. Why do you want to try this?

What do you think about an open relationship represents? Either it stems from the desire to strengthen an already strong relationship or they are trying to fill emptiness in the relationship?

Why are we attracted to this type of relationship?
Why are we attracted to this type of relationship?

2. What do we want an open relationship to look like?

Every major change in life requires a rational and realistic consideration and plan, the same is the case with an open relationship. Answer the question how you want an open relationship to work, because only in this way will they achieve, to be honest with each other.

Marriage counselors say they should be honest with each other about their own expectations about the relationship and find out how your relationship would change if you decided to have an open relationship. While thinking about fantasy scenarios and pleasure, it is also important to consider the other side of the coin and all the obstacles that an open relationship can open up.

3. Is our relationship stable?

Entering into an open relationship is exciting, but it also puts you both in front of challenges that can harm the relationship, if your relationship is not strong from the very beginning. If you and your partner think that your relationship is falling apart, this is the moment that Frthey go to therapy and work to strengthen their relationship before they even go into the open relationship, say co-marital counselors.

Is our relationship stable?
Is our relationship stable?

4. How do we know an open relationship is working?

If you enter into an open relationship that you both agree to, come up with a plan to see if your relationship is still strong. Ask yourself how often you want to check, what they are doing in the relationship..

moving into an open relationship can be difficult, as couples often do not know if and when they will have conversations about how they feel, what are they doing and whether they are ready for further changes, say marriage counselors.

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