
When you feel lost, remember that you have a home in your heart!

Photo: Pipe Gil / Unsplash

The security you are looking for does not exist. It is temporary. Or virtual. The love you seek is not in someone else's heart, but in your own. The relationship you long for is the one you establish with yourself. You are your home.

You are here to learn that you don't need a relationship, but that nothing is sustainable if you are not connected to yourself. You are here to build your life. And without just jumping into a life that someone else is already living and created.

You are the person you are waiting for. You are the love of your life and the protagonist of your story. Your love is in your heart. Your inspiration, your motivation, your love - it's in your mind.

You don't need anyone, you are alone here.

You shouldn't take those who are with you, along with you on your journey, for granted, but you shouldn't use them to make you feel safe and good, because that's not their job.

Home is in you. Photo: Candice Picard/Unsplash

You don't need anyone to give you security, no one is obliged to give you assurances that everything is fine. Your job is to feel safe with yourself, to know for sure that you will face everything in your path and that everything you encounter along the way enriches your life and broadens your perspective.

The world is safe when you feel safe with yourself. But until you are at home in your heart, you will not come to terms with the world. Because you will constantly demand that things be different than they are. You will constantly expect people to live up to your expectations and be angry when they don't. Because of this, you will constantly get caught up in your fears and expectations.

Home is not a place, it is not an idea, it is a way of being.It is a way of finding presence in all things, to understand that nothing is meant to be perfect, but everything is a new experience that you have never had before and may never have again.

Happiness is in you. Photo: Candice Picard/Unsplash

Building a home inside means you will be well, not because everything will go the way you envisioned and planned, but because you will adapt even if everything doesn't go well. Building a home within yourself means that you will always be moving forward, not because you won't find it difficult to let things go, but because you will be able to handle difficult things.

You are here to understand the origin of your own existence, all that you are and all that you create. And you can always come back home.

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