
Are you making coffee correctly: you will only get the perfect taste if you follow the most important preparation rule

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Have you ever wondered how to make coffee that will enchant you with its perfect taste?

There's nothing better than starting your day with a cup freshly brewed coffee, which wakes you up and takes you to a new morning. Are you sure you know how to make coffee?

However, in the fast pace of everyday life, most people do not devote enough time to properly preparing coffee. We often rely on instant coffee or coffee from a bag, forgetting that it is proper preparation the key to perfect taste.

If you really want to enjoy aroma and taste of coffee, it is important to follow a few simple steps.

Making coffee is an art that requires attention to detail. If you really want to pamper your taste buds, follow these steps:

How to make coffee?

Selection of coffee beans

Start by choosing the right coffee beans. Devote yourself to researching different varieties and origins. Pay attention to the degree of roasting, as it affects the taste of the coffee - from lightly roasted, which has delicate and fruity notes, to dark roasted, which offers a strong and rich aroma.

How to make coffee
Choose the right coffee. Photo: Ready made / Pexels

Coffee storage

Freshly roasted coffee is the tastiest. Store in an airtight container to maintain freshness. Keep the coffee away from light and heat and consume it within a reasonable time after roasting to enjoy its full flavor.

Grinding of grains

If you have a coffee grinder at home, grind the beans just before preparation to preserve the freshness of the taste. Choose the right grinding level according to the coffee preparation method. Freshly ground coffee offers a more intense taste.

Water preparation - how to make coffee

Water is vital. Use clean and fresh water. The ideal water temperature is between 90°C and 96°C. Too high a temperature can cause a bitter taste, so be careful not to boil the water.

How to make coffee
Not every preparation is right. Photo: Quang Nguyen Vinh / Pexels

The ratio of coffee to water

The correct ratio between coffee and water is essential. The general rule is one to two tablespoons of coffee per 180 ml of water. Adjust the ratio according to your preferences - more coffee for a stronger taste or more water for a milder taste.

Preparation time - how to make coffee

The contact time between coffee and water affects flavor extraction. Follow the recommended preparation time for your chosen method. Pay attention to the details, because just a few seconds can make a big difference in taste.

When you put a cup of coffee in front of you, indulge yourself in the smell and taste. Observe the color and texture and enjoy the first sip. Drink coffee slowly to really feel the taste. Every sip is an opportunity to discover new aromatic layers.

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