
Which astrological signs always put others before themselves

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They are always there for you when you need them. You think they are unbreakable, that they have no problems, because they never talk about them.

Putting others first is a virtue, but putting yourself first is a big challenge for the astrological signs below.

They are very sensitive and empathetic. Someone you want to have in your life.


Cancers are caring and protective not only of their loved ones, but also of anyone in need. They selflessly care for others and fulfill their wishes to the best of their ability.


They will also help co-workers, neighbors and strangers who feel lost and helpless. They will stop on the street and ask someone if they can help them, without the unpleasant feeling of intruding. But if they themselves need help, they will try to hide it at all costs and not burden anyone.

If you ask them if they are okay and if there is anything you can do for them, they will tell you that everything is fine and thank you for your concern, and will try to solve their problems quietly and unobtrusively on their own. If they come to you for help, it means they are really desperate and have already tried everything they can and realized they can't do it on their own.



Pisces are reliable advisors, secret keepers and inventors of creative solutions to other people's problems. Everyone comes to them to confide in them about their problems and get comfort, understanding, support and help. They can simply look at different situations in their own way, from a different perspective, to see connected details that others don't notice.

Fish jump in when help is most needed and is very effective and successful. They gently but firmly take matters into their own hands and show great authority in advocating for others.


Meanwhile, when they find themselves in trouble, when they have to stand up for themselves to protect their rights, their feelings, or their integrity, they rarely turn to another person because they don't want to bother anyone. They feel helpless, and even worse at the thought of telling someone, to show them their weakness and accept help.


They will fight for those they care about and will never expect or ask for someone to stand up for them, represent their interests and help them. Scorpions use all tactics to give the impression of inviolability, to inspire respect and a little fear for preventive reasons. This usually works very well, so they almost never ask for help and get out of trouble on their own.


When it comes to relationships with loved ones, they will not express dissatisfaction or ask for anything, but will wait for the interlocutor to understand what is happening and do what is necessary. Such behavior and emotional inaccessibility make relationships difficult for them.

A virgin

Virgos know how to express their needs and demands because they know what is good for them, just as they know what is good for others. They try very hard not to get into a situation to ask for help. They simply don't believe that someone should take care of them or that they can do it better than themselves. They believe that they are more responsible, efficient and organized than others. They are willing to take the initiative and do what is necessary - for others.


They will not take care of themselves transparently, but they will make sure that these situations do not happen again, similar to what scorpions do.

When they find themselves in a situation where they need help and support, they turn to the most discreet person they know (even if it may not be the person closest to them), because it is very important to them that not many people know about their weaknesses.

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