
Which form of creativity is the most "sexy"?

We don't need science to know that creativity is "sexy". Mick Jagger's numbers prove exactly that. As well as other anecdotes from the lives of individual musicians who were or are much less famous than the Rolling Stones. In a recent study conducted in France, a man tested as many as three hundred random young women on the street to find out which type of creativity is the sexiest.

Nicolas Guéguen he went out into the street with a guitar, a gym bag and empty hands. With a guitar in his hands, he got the most phone numbers, while with a gym bag and empty hands he "burned out" or didn't get a single number.
So girls prefer musicians. Previous studies have linked originality with sexual attractiveness in the broadest sense of the word, but did not compare the types of creativity with each other.
Regardless of the findings of the French student, they are in the journal Journal of Creative Behavior posted the answer. A research team led by psychologist Scott Barry Kaufman of the University of Pennsylvania found that types of creativity related to aesthetics (such as poetry, dance and, of course, playing a musical instrument) are sexier than those that fall into technical categories ( such as website development) or more domestic types of creativity (such as gardening or decorating).
In order to investigate the sexual appeal of various forms of creativity, Kaufman and his team selected 815 students, mainly young women (696). Participants completed an online survey related to creativity, as well as a survey related to their personality. From the listed 43 creative behaviors, they had to rate the sex appeal of each.

Here are the 15 sexiest creative types, as rated by women:

1. Doing sports
2. A spontaneous trip with a partner
3. Recording music
4. Intellectual comments/notes
5. Writing music
6. Participation in a band
7. Artistic photography
8. Comedy
9. A unique style of dressing
10. Writing poetry
11. Inventing new recipes
12. Drawing
13. Sculpting
14. Writing short stories
15. Styling a hairstyle in an interesting way

And here are the 15 least attractive types of creativity (from lowest rated to lowest):

1. Making clothes
2. Participation in a science competition
3. Creation of advertising campaigns
4. Interior decoration
5. Writing an original computer program
6. Creation of websites
7. Growing plants and gardening
8. Writing scientific or mathematical articles
9. Outdoor decoration
10. Using mathematics to solve practical problems
11. Developing an experimental design
12. Participation in a drama production
13. Directing a short film
14. Participation in the orchestra
15. Event planning

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The ranking of male participants, although based on fewer responses, was very (even surprisingly) similar. Many of the same behaviors were found from the first list, where women rated the 15 sexiest types of creativity, including sports, spontaneous travel, recording music, intellectual notes, playing in a band, and a unique way of dressing. There were also similar responses to the fifteen least sexy types of creativity, including developing experimental designs, applying mathematics in practice, participating in science competitions, and writing computer programs.
When they connected the attraction of creativity and the personality test, they found that participants are attracted to the same type of creativity that they themselves practice.

There are several limitations in this research. One of the most obvious is that not everyone will agree that playing sports is a creative behavior. The same cannot be said for spontaneous trips. Because of the sample of respondents, where the average age was 24, they may have overlooked that they will put these short-term sexual goals before a long-term partnership.

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