
Whoever has this blood type has a special power

Some of the most prominent characteristics of people with this blood type are: proactivity, energy and the ability to achieve high concentration. Are you among them?

Blood type 0 is said to be the original blood type of our ancestors, who were resourceful predators. People with this blood type still play an important role in our society today. As we have already mentioned, they have quite a few positive qualities, but their weak point is stress.

Negative features:

As mentioned before, they have people with blood type 0, quite a few positive qualities, but their weak point is stress. Under pressure a person with this blood type fractures, so such persons often react impulsively, are angry and become hyperactive. Their bad point is also food and lack of exercise, due to which they are said to be more prone to gain weight.

People with this blood type still play an important role in our society today.
People with this blood type still play an important role in our society today.

Positive features:

You may not have known, but in Japan you can be asked what blood type you are at a job interview. For blood type 0 people are known to be responsible, organized and practical. They have a good sense of space and orientation and can think logically.

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