
Why are coffee and poop the best of friends?

Coffee and poop go hand in hand.

Many people drink coffee for its effects. Coffee wakes us up and pampers us with its taste, but it also "gets us going". The first two are well-chewed topics, while the third is taboo, although quite a few people drink it for this effect. Many people cannot go to the toilet in the morning without a cup of coffee. Do you think it's all a hoax and just a psychological effect? No. Check out why coffee and poop are best friends.

That is a story about coffee and poop, two good friends. But we're going in order. Some drink coffee because of the taste, second due to the effects of caffeine, the third because on them has a laxative effect, in the sense that they go after eating poop (the need to excrete appears after only four minutes). But what is the reason that drives us?

READ MORE: A recipe for refreshing iced coffee

Coffee and poop go hand in hand.
Coffee and poop go hand in hand.

Research points the finger at the stomach hormone gastrin, which accelerates the movement of the colon, Colon but it is the closest to the "exit" (women are twice as likely to go to the toilet as men). And from here the story of friendship, which, however, only holds true 23 percent of coffee drinkers.

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