
Why is an afternoon nap recommended?

Photo: Envato

Are you a supporter of the afternoon nap or against it? Do you know that a minute or two of afternoon sleep brings you a piece of health! In the fast-paced world we live in, a nap is a luxury we reach for after a sleepless night or when we're tired from a day's work.

Taking a nap after lunch is usually considered a waste of time and not a healthy habit. Some say that only a good night's sleep is healthy, but this is not the case.

Necessity or luxury, napping is healthy and makes up for a lack of sleep overnight or helps with fatigue.

Let's see why!

An afternoon nap refreshes the brain

A study at the University of California showed that an afternoon nap refreshes the hippocampus - the part of the brain responsible for memory - and also short-term memory. So extra sleep reduces the chance of heart disease by 37 percent.

When is the right time to take a nap?

Rest and take a nap after lunch. Photo: Andrea Piacquadio/Unsplash

After lunch - experts say. When you come back from work, you are tired, and when you eat, the sleepiness increases. Why? Because all the energy you have left goes into digestion.

An afternoon nap will not interfere with nighttime sleep if you nap 5 hours before it. The ancient Romans regularly slept for two or three hours after their hearty lunches - this says everything about the longevity of the Roman Empire.

How long should an afternoon nap last?

An hour of sleep refreshes you enough to keep you awake and active for the next ten hours. Of course, it depends on each individual, you can sleep for 5 minutes or several hours. NASA pilots discovered that exactly 26 minutes of sleep increases their mental abilities by 34 percent.

Try a trick - drink coffee

After consumption, it takes about half an hour for caffeine to start working in the body. For this reason, experts suggest a trick for a short and refreshing sleep - drink coffee before bed to take a nap (instead of after). After a short time, you will wake up refreshed and rested from this.

Have a coffee before your nap! Photo: Kinga Cichewicz / Unsplash

It is enough to just lie down

If you find it difficult to fall asleep in the afternoon and you feel tired, it is enough to lie down. You'll relax and lower your blood pressure, which will help you concentrate better later.


Have you heard that you will gain weight if you sleep after lunch and that it is better to go for a walk. But the truth is this - you are suffering from lack of sleep. A tired organism is looking for energy, and you reach for food and unknowingly eat more than you need to replenish your energy reserves. And you tend to crave sweets and carbohydrate-rich foods.

If you sleep in the afternoon, your desire for food will decrease, and in the evening you will be ready for some physical activity.

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