
Why is the Scandinavian principle of "friluftsliv" good for mental health in winter?

Mental health needs to be taken care of and discussed openly. Regardless of how the past year was, how ruthless it was and what consequences it brought, we must be aware that the current situation affects mental health and brings feelings of fear and anxiety. In the summer we endured all this more easily, but winter can be problematic due to the short days and bad weather. That's why today we turn to the Scandinavian principle of "friluftsliv".

Of course, this is not the solution to all current problems, but it can be very important for both physical and mental health. The principle is called “friluftsliv", which translates to "outdoor life". It refers to going for a walk in nature on a regular basis, regardless of weather conditions. Since we cannot control many of the negative aspects of the current situation, this idea focuses on influencing the positive things in life. It is particularly popular in Scandinavia, where it comes from, but we can also use it here.

Photo: Vladimir Mokry, Unsplash

We all know that during the winter our motivation is at a lower level than usual, even now that most people are working from home and have no contact with others, it's hard to force ourselves to leave the house if we don't have to. And just getting out, i.e. walking, can help reduce stress and anxiety, as connecting with nature has been proven to have a positive effect on our mental health. There is a saying in Sweden "There is no bad weather, only bad clothes", which means that you only need to dress appropriately and walking will be a pleasant experience even at slightly lower temperatures and bad weather.

Scandinavians even have a habit of contacting strangers they meet on a walk as a sign of respect, as this brightens everyone's day and thus shows that everyone is in the same situation and at least in some way connected. So don't forget to go for a walk today!

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