
Why can't men resist complex and slightly confused women?

A complicated woman is not for every man, as she can frighten even the strongest alpha male with her sharpness. She is a magnet for those who appreciate theoretical conversations, thoughtful discussions and witty arguments.

A woman who tells herself that she is complicated believes that she is passionate, imaginary, charming and unyieldingly emotionally complex. And for men, such a figure presents a challenge, because it is a mystery that they want to unravel in every way! At first glance, such women appear slightly confused and therefore attractive to men.

Scientists believe that men's fascination with such women stems from the fact that they are men are competitive by nature, and women are said to be silent mice who they submit to men's orders. If a woman is the opposite of this and is on the same wavelength as a man, the latter presents him with a challenge in which enjoys it and he gets to know himself in a different light.

Conquering a complicated lady is by no means easy, but why do it anyway men find it hard to resist complicated women?

She will make his life fun.

Complicated people are rarely boring. And they are like that because of life, which has taught them that they must become such persons. Complexity presents a challenge and is synonymous with fun and escape from the established framework.

If you answer yes to his every request and make his life easier, he will quickly get bored. Alas, that is the truth. And boredom is not a quality that will attract a man. It is much more tense if a woman has her own points of view, proposals and thoughts, which are different from the points of view of a man, because in this way quality communication develops, from which it is possible to understand whether they are compatible at all.

She will make his life fun.
She will make his life fun.

He will grow with her.

A complicated woman is hard to deal with and seems to be a bad person, but is actually a good person with good intentions. She just wants to achieve the best in the relationship, she wants to impress the man, satisfy him and create the need for him to want more.

A man likes a wise woman whose thinking will lead him to different views that will help him improve his life. In this way, he will get out of the comfort zone to which he has become accustomed and will become rich as a person.

She wants him, but she doesn't need him.
She wants him, but she doesn't need him.

She wants him, but she doesn't need him.

A sophisticated woman knows what she deserves. She wants more from a man. She will not be with a man because she needs him, but because she wants him. And a man will recognize it. Women who are in a relationship know that men are much more obsessed with the idea of their own space and they fear that the woman will become obsessed with it to the point of losing her own life.

A woman who shows independence grows in the eyes of a man, because it shows that she has her own activities and interests and is not dependent on him!

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