
Why should reading science be your priority?

Believe me, you're not doing yourself a favor if they haven't read a single book in the last year. Scientists discover why reading should be your priority.

More than a quarter ‒ 26 % ‒ recognizes American adults, that in they haven't read a single book in the last year, note at the Pew Research Center. If you are part of this groups, you know you can't exactly deal with that to praise, and science will be yours tried to convince why reading should be your priority.

Reading science fiction stimulates creativity.

Reading science fiction stimulates creativity.
Reading science fiction stimulates creativity.

V research, which was performed on University of Toronto, were found to be participants, which are read science fiction, more open and creative compared to participants, which are not read science fiction ‒ reading you is supposed to helped with creative thinking!

People who read live longer.

V studies, in which it participated 3,635 people over 50 years old, scientists found that those who read books 30 minutes daily, on average they live 23 months longer than those who read nothing or read magazines. The practice of reading books improves vocabulary, thinking skills and concentration. Reading should also affect empathy and emotional intelligence, which helps people to people, yes they live longer.

You can read 50 books a year.

You can read 50 books a year.
You can read 50 books a year.

You probably think so unimaginable, in order to read one book a week, is not it  unfeasible, even if you are very employees. Lack of time is bad an excuse, which should be replaced by goal, to read 50 books a year. While you're at snacks, you are waiting for a doctor's appointment, se you take the bus, just read, instead of browsing your phone.

Successful people are bookworms.

The most famous entrepreneurs a lot in the world they read, as they want to improve theirs personality, to acquire management skills and create a successful business. If you don't know where to started, read some a book, where you will find an idea.

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