
Why is the iPhone actually the cheapest smartphone? And why will buying any other cost you dearly?

The above lines sound extremely inquisitorial and could have been uttered from the mouth of a radical believer in the Apple brand. Calm down! The statement is based on the most basic mathematics and has little to do with faith in the Apple brand! Basically, it has only common sense with ZKP (common sense).

"I'm not so rich that I can buy cheap" certainly applies to the purchase of any Apple devices. Apple's "technological" companions they are definitely not cheap. But in this entry I will try to prove the above statement, without emotion, purely mathematical. I promise! This is my job, my mission impossible. I will try to convince you that buying a product with a "bite" apples what to do when your fingers get itchy such purchases. Because it's the only logical thing to do. So let's move on right away empirical and seriously measurable facts.

It's no longer "the most expensive", it's just still expensive

When we think of iPhone, we automatically associate it with prestige and extremely high price. Apple smartphones were always extremely expensive and still are today. Years ago, they were considered to be in leaps and bounds dearest. But this difference has changed in recent years completely annihilated. All phones in the premium class, they are comparatively expensive.

The iPhone has always been the king of "price". But it seems those times are over.
The iPhone has always been the king of "price". But it seems those times are over.

For "hard-core" proof, let's look at some of them premium phones in the flagship category, i.e. the most expensive smartphones that can be ordered in the largest online store in the world, Amazon.

If they were once the best phones of the brand Huawei from 700 to 800 euros (I'm talking about the most expensive ones that offered a lot for their money), today they cost comparable to the "original" smartphone that Steve Jobs introduced in 2007. If only a year or two ago it was considered to be OnePlus price miracle, today this brand is approaching the price with its products 1,000 euros. iPhone judging by the competition above, it still reigns supreme. But not as dominant as it was a few years ago. Call major players are easy to approach, which represent comparably priced phones.

iOS vs. Android

In principle, there is no point in getting into this debate. Both have an operating system advantages and weaknesses. However, it must be emphasized that it has Apple an advantage in managing the entire own ecosystem. So both hardware and software and other support services, such as App Store and iCloud. And because of this, it is important to understand that it offers the most complete ecosystem. In principle, it is difficult to explain to the uninitiated what this means. But if you enter the Apple ecosystem, the latter draws you in and offers unprecedented simplicity and transparency. This write-up is not intended to convince you why it is Apple really good here. After all, it says why you should "buy" an iPhone! And the answer is too in software updates, which make you feel again and again, that you have a fresh phone. Apple specifically updates and adds certain sugars to its operating system, and with that the owner also somewhat older devices dedicates a new "programme". And also because of this the owners iPhone they change their phones less often and have them for a longer period of time.

All devices running iOS are being updated. This is also why users have been using iPad tablets for many years.
All devices running iOS are being updated. This is also why users have been using iPad tablets for many years.

This means that in the "overall picture" they spend on average for their smart devices less money. Because they simply change them less. The longer you have your phone, the less money you lose in the long run.

The iPhone retains its value significantly better than Android phones

General known fact is that the iPhone holds its price perfectly. Three or four year old phones on online marketplaces such as bolha.com, still exceed the price 350 euros, while the "same generation" representative of Android phones barely exceeds the price of 100, 150 euros.

iPhone 11: today you can buy a new one for just over 670 euros (not including VAT). This is one of the best buys in the smartphone category right now. More below.
iPhone 11: today you can buy a new one for just over 670 euros (not including VAT). This is one of the best buys in the smartphone category right now. More below.

At last report the largest portal for buying used phones bankmycell.com, it is iPhone in 2020 still far away the best product among smartphones when it comes to value retention.

The latest research also shows, or rather says precisely, that they are Apple iPhones on average lost approx 23.45 percent of its value in the first year and 45.46 percent by the end of the second year. When you directly compare these percentages with some phones with Android, you will amazed at the difference. Terrible news for premium models Android phones it is a certain fact that the average two-year loss of an iPhone is the same as theirs one-year depreciation in the amount of 45.18 percent. In other words: an Android phone loses as much value in one year as an iPhone does in two years. In other words, the iPhone loses value about 50 percent slower. This means you get more when you trade it in and spend less on the phone of your life.

Reasons for preserving the value of the iPhone is more. In any case, the fact that they have old phones contributes to this updated operating system. Necessary but it is also emphasize that iPhone in the first year after the introduction, the prices of smartphones do not drop, but are "relatively" fixed, while all other phone manufacturers drop the value of a new phone by up to 40 percent in the first 10 months, thus unintentionally affecting the devaluation of the used device market.

Comparison of the price drop of new products in the first year:

Winner in the "price - performance" category

iPhone: regardless of everything, it represents a safe and rational purchase. The claim that it is the cheapest phone, taking into account all the facts, is not far-fetched.
iPhone: regardless of everything, it represents a safe and rational purchase. The claim that it is the cheapest phone, taking into account all the facts, is not far-fetched.

I think I have proved my "case", so why is he smart Apple iPhone tthe same phone that will cost you in some way the least. But it is true that you have to add things up and do them well recalculate. Check your habits when changing phones and come to a rational decision about buying a brand with a "bitten" apple.

The current range of iPhones in the world's largest store - Amazon.com

* The prices listed above are prices without VAT, which can be claimed on Amazon by VAT taxpayers, i.e. Slovenian legal entities.

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Info Box

The editors are not responsible for the stated prices. Prices at online retailers are dynamic in nature and may change at any time. They were written at the time of editing.

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