
Why are we tired after a meal and how to prevent it?

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If you're tired and sleepy after a good meal, you're not alone. Fatigue after a meal is a very common phenomenon in humans. This is influenced by hormones, food sensitivities, and the list goes on. Of course, there is a solution for this and we have some tips here.

1. What and how much you eat

You may have known that foods with a high carbohydrate content increase the most rise in insulin. When insulin levels peak after a meal, it causes a rapid rise and then rapid drop in blood sugar, which leads to a drop in energy. The body feels tired and sleepy, and you have the feeling that you need something else (usually something sweet) to "lift" you up a bit. This mostly happens because of food made from white flour, so replace it with dark (whole grain), because with dark carbohydrate foods, blood sugar drops more slowly, so you will feel full for longer and you will be less sleepy.

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2. Allergies and intolerances

If you have various strange conditions and bad feelings after a meal, there is most likely something wrong with your body. Headaches, migraines and extreme fatigue are usually associated with celiac disease respectively gluten sensitivity. That is why it is good to do the necessary tests that will confirm or disprove gluten sensitivity.

In the case of tiredness, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, you are sensitive to something else, most often it is lactose (milk sugar or milk protein). Both can be checked with appropriate tests, to which your personal doctor refers you.

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3. Irregular meals

There is evidence linking irregular meals with increased fatigue. A study has shown that eating a large lunch after skipping breakfast actually contributes to reduced blood flow to the brain. This not only affects attention, but can also cause fatigue. So if you skip breakfast as part of intermittent fasting, consider a lighter mini-meal, because without it you will do yourself more harm than good.

4. You drink alcohol during a meal

We all know the effects of alcohol on the body and although a glass or two of wine can complement your meal, alcohol acts as central nervous system depressant and only this will make you tired after a meal.

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5. You don't get enough sleep

If you add up a few possible reasons for your fatigue and add poor sleep, you have the perfect combination. Know that nothing can replace sleep, no food, no stimulants, and it's good to have a regular sleep rhythm, because then other things will function as they should.

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