
Why must we include pomegranate in our diet this fall?

There are several reasons why you should include pomegranate in your diet this fall. Not only is it the oldest cultivated food in the world, but it is also said to be the "most healing fruit" we know. If that still hasn't convinced you, read on.

Why we must include this autumn in our diet Pomegranate?

The pomegranate has been around for 8,000 years

The origin of the pomegranate dates back to 6,000 BC and it is also believed to be the first cultivated food. This ancient agricultural product was part of Greek art and mythology, and the Mesopotamians believed that the pomegranate was actually sacred tree. In Japan, for example, pomegranates were believed to ward off evil spirits, and according to Islamic legend, every pomegranate contained a seed that came from paradise.

It helped kings and queens win battles

She is believed to be the queen Elizabeth I after the conquest of Granada in 1492, she stood with a pomegranate in her hand and said: "Just like this pomegranate, I will conquer Andalusia grain by grain." But she wasn't the only one to use the pomegranate's powers. King Henry IV., who restored prosperity and peace to France, used the pomegranate as part of his coat of arms.

Pomegranate has many positive effects on our body.

It's supposed to be pomegranate "the most healing fruit in the world"

There are reasons why the pomegranate was so highly prized in the past. These small but powerful grains are described as "the most healing fruit in the world", as they are full of antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, the pomegranate is said to help our the heart remains healthy, and also exist studies, that he can help in fight against cancer (prostate, lung, breast and colon cancer).



Pomegranate is the secret to youthful-looking skin

Pomegranate contains ellagic acid, an antioxidant that stimulates production collagen. And more collagen means less wrinkles!

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