
Sheriff of the Wild West

What path of thinking did you take to come up with the idea of the company on net certificate? The idea of company on net came from a certain need in the market, the need to verify domains for those...

What path of thinking did you take to come up with the idea of the company on net certificate?

The idea of company on net came from a certain need in the market, the need to verify domains for those sites that we have to trust if we want to do business with them. There were SSL certificates before, but due to competition, cheaper ones started to be sold, but they no longer verified the identity of the company behind a website. The cheaper ones only protect the data flow, not the content. Company on net takes responsibility only for the domain that is on our server and contains all information about the company and all links to the company's commercial pages. It is a kind of personal document of the company, which the company itself cannot write for itself, just as we cannot write for ourselves a passport. This identity card is supported by the Chamber of Commerce of Slovenia and Coface, one of the largest rating agencies in the world.


The certificate has received quite a few awards, one of the most important being ISSE - Information Security Solutions Europe. Does external recognition affect creativity?

Only the number of ideas that could be used to strengthen and expand a certain product increases. The award confirms that the product is suitable, that we can sell it to the smallest company as well as the largest, and we all still need it. From this point, the thing can only be upgraded by connecting with those who develop products that are applicable to it. But this is more a matter of entrepreneurship, business than creativity.


Is innovation a matter of a "mad scientist" locked in a laboratory or of a team of people working together?

Since really innovative ideas almost never grow on several plants at the same time, they are more a matter of individuals. My theory is that people move the world, not groups. It's the same with ideas. Otherwise, every practical idea arises as a reaction to circumstances, out of necessity.


Company on net, ijterjevalec.si and miniMAX, programs in which you participated, all "live" on the Internet. What a merry-go-round of ideas is the internet?

The Internet is more of a Wild West, where there is still enough space. Elsewhere, in other markets, the plots are already clearly delineated, there is not much space left to walk around the territory, so here every wrong step is most likely fatal.


Does the size of the market affect the ingenuity of the company, its performance?

It depends on what the company does. The Slovenian market for information technology is much too small and we have to find our way around it, because in most cases it is not worth investing in IT technology if it is tied to a market of two million. An example of this is, for example, SAOP's miniMax - an online program for accounting. Someone who creates this program for a large market can make it à la carte for a certain type of business, but in a small market the thing needs to be set up to be suitable for very different users, from a shoemaker to a language school. The stakes for such a program to succeed are the same whether it is designed for a small or large market. So one has to think according to the size of the market.



Info Box

Aleš Lipičnik


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