
Wind Catcher: an innovative mobile wind farm

Photo: KiteX

Wind energy is a hidden renewable resource that is all too often overlooked, although the resource is comparable to solar energy, wind turbines have not managed to catch a comparable sustainable trend, like solar cells for generating electricity. Danish company KiteX has introduced a mobile wind farm that changes this belief. The latter can power your camper or weekender and produce up to 600W of energy.

The wind farm itself weighs only 10 kilograms also due to the rather innovative technology of the energy generator and the modern and ultra-light materials used. The latter imitates aircraft turbines and thus saves as much as 90 percent of the weight. We can set it up in just 15 minutes. The essence of this wind farm is the "plug and play" system, the developers emphasize. Which means that it will not be necessary to become an electrician to harness wind energy.

A model that can produce 600W it provides enough power for personal electrical equipment, charging e-bikes or power tools, or slowly boiling water. The wind turbine reaches full power already at a wind speed of 7.5 m/s (17 mph).

A start-up company based in to Søborg is through the campaign Kickstarter almost immediately exceeded its funding goal. And the price... for the first buyers and supporters around 1000 euros.

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