
Acupuncture of this part of the body can help you lose extra pounds!

Photo: envato

According to new research, acupuncture of a certain part of the body can even help with weight loss.

At the European Congress on Obesity, which took place in Dublin this May, they presented an interesting link: acupuncture and weight loss. Specifically, auricular acupuncture, i.e. acupuncture of the ear. Yes, you heard that right.

Japanese researcher Takahiro Fujimoto, with a doctorate in medicine and engineering, together with his professional team came up with interesting results. They discovered that ear acupuncture can help reduce the desire for food, which in turn helps to reduce weight and body mass index (BMI). This innovative method differs from conventional acupuncture, which uses intradermal needles and requires the skills of an experienced acupuncturist. Instead, this type of ear acupuncture for weight loss uses small beads glued to six strategic points on your outer ear.

Photo: envato

dr. Fujimoto stated in a press release through the American Association for the Advancement of Science that these six points "stimulates the nerves and organs that regulate appetite, satiety and hunger". According to him, this type of method has been helping Japanese people lose weight for decades. It is worth noting, however, that the obesity rate in Japan is much lower than the data of the rest of the "developed countries".

Although acupuncture in itself is not a miracle solution for weight loss (it won't work without a balanced diet and exercise), it can play an important role in losing extra pounds.

Auricular acupuncture, a unique branch of acupuncture, is based on the idea that your outer ear mirrors your entire body. Here, tiny needles or beads are placed at precise points along the energy channels to release and revitalize the natural flow of qi. As a result, this could alleviate a variety of health problems, from weight loss and smoking cessation to combating drug addiction and alleviating post-traumatic stress disorder.

Photo: envato

A 2019 study published by Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine also credits auricular acupuncture with regulating the endocrine system, boosting metabolism, improving digestion, and reducing oxidative stress.

And how should acupuncture work for weight loss?

The study conducted by Dr. Fujimoto, involved 81 overweight Japanese men aged 21 to 78 who had high levels of harmful abdominal fat. The ear acupuncture procedure used 1.5 mm metal ear balls glued to six special points on the outer ear. These beads were attached to both ears with surgical tape, providing consistent and even pressure on the six acupuncture points. In addition to acupuncture, the participants received nutritional advice and were also forced to consistently monitor their body weight. Their total food intake was cut in half during the three-month treatment period.

Unhealthy abdominal body fat dropped by an average of two points, and BMI by nearly three points. Participants reduced their waist circumference by an average of 10.4 centimeters and lost 4 % of total body fat.


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