
Start the new day with breakfast

With the freshness of the first spring days, we shed the heavy clothes that kept us warm through the coldest winter months and stepped into the warmer season with a light step. In anticipation of summer, changes are also happening on the plate, because the bathing season is getting closer, and the warmth of spring days calls for light and healthy food. For optimal well-being during the months when spring fatigue quickly sets in, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules that will bring excellent mental and physical well-being into our lives.

The number one rule is definitely not to let go a healthy wholesome breakfast, which, however, has always been and always will be the most important meal of the day. Because "an empty bag does not stand upright", we skip every excuse, no matter how convincing, and in the morning we reach for it anyway in a light and healthy way. That's the way we will be put enough energy into your body for optimal concentration at work, better efficiency and quality training. Sleep is the time when the body heals its wounds and get ready for a new day, full of challenges and happy moments. As far as we skip breakfast, will start working "on reserve" and as energy source to use up muscle at an extraordinary rate and not fat tissue as some may wish. Muscle mass, which is the main consumer of calories both at rest and during physical activity, is of vital importance for our well-being and youthful appearance. To the extent that we starve the body, our metabolism slows down, as the body adapts due to the fear of continued low intake, namely by reduce your daily consumption. With omitted breakfast so we gain absolutely nothing, but lose muscle, which is definitely not what we want. To the extent that we think so we don't have time for breakfast, we prepare it already in the evening.

Let's start the day with a delicious full breakfast.
Let's start the day with a delicious full breakfast.

If we are not hungry in the morning...
… we are in all likelihood in the evening before going to bed ate too big a meal. So let's be careful, yes we eat more in the morning than in the evening. After all, we need energy throughout the day, don't we? We don't like the food we usually associate with it with breakfast? Simple, let's choose something else. Instead of cereals or flakes, which provide our body with the necessary complex carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which fill the body with the energy our muscles and brain need and meet our needs for fiber, magnesium and other necessary vitamins of the B family, we can prepare something other than merely ordinary a mixture of fruit, muesli and yogurt. The evening before, we prepare apple pie, vegetable patties from the flakes, or we can improvise by making a vegetable pie, the crispy dough of which consists mainly of flakes. A diet should not be an excuse for skipping meals, especially breakfast, because by letting the body starve in the morning, we negatively affect our well-being, health and body weight. Unless we are completely clear why they are Cereals are the best choice for breakfast, let's take a peek into their perfect world.

The novelty among the Zlate polje Sport muesli is a new, fruity taste, without added sugar, which ensures a top-quality breakfast.
The novelty among the Zlate polje Sport muesli is a new, fruity taste, without added sugar, which ensures a top-quality breakfast.

Choice of flakes we will definitely make it easier if we reach for flakes Golden Field. Among their offer we also find Sport muesli without added sugar, which provides excellent breakfast, "as expected". A mixture of slight of whole grain flakes, seeds and as many as 35 % of dried fruit forms excellent natural ingredients to start a successful day. The product is a novelty among products Muesli sport, as it is free of added sugars and contains only naturally occurring sugars, which mainly come at the expense of dried fruit. The product also contains high dietary fiber content, that's why it is great for breakfast and brunch, and with a bit of imagination, you can also make a delicious dinner out of it.

Would you run with us?! Running Academy 2014

Would you like to start running, but don't know how to go about it? Do you run occasionally but want to make sure you're doing it right? Did you already run with us last year and would you like to continue running? For beginners and all lovers of running, we are also preparing a Running Academy this year, where participants will learn the correct running techniques under the professional guidance of coaches.

Over individual treatment each participant will receive your running program. An introductory meeting will follow, where the participants will get to know each other in more detail with the academy program and during the training sessions. They will also be able to try it out for free Solomon's running shoes .

Introductory meeting and the first training will be on Wednesday, May 7, in Tivoli Park (LJ), at the Art Cafe.

More will follow 4 professionally guided training sessions (1x weekly).
Estimated start time: at 5 p.m.

The price of participation in the Running Academy is 15 EUR (including VAT) and includes:
* individual running program
* introductory meeting with training + 4 trainings
* jogging shirt
* Jana Sport water
* sponsor treat
* prize draw at the end of the academy (sponsor Salomon)

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