
This exercise is supposed to burn 6 times more calories than jogging!

Who doesn't love exercise that boosts our health and helps us lose weight? Today we present to you a workout that is gaining more and more followers, and among other things, it is said to burn 6 times more calories than we burn with ordinary jogging. It is running backwards or as we would colloquially say "running in reverse".

Running backwards is really not a new way of exercising, and coaches and specialized sports doctors have been recommending it for athletes after injuries for a long time. It's quite a lot effective and intense exercise, which should reduced the risk of lower back and leg injuries, but at the same time it should contribute to a stronger and more balanced lower body.

Why is this exercise supposed to be good for fighting pounds?

It is a cardiovascular exercise that not only burns calories, but also engages several muscle groups, especially the quadriceps. To generalize: 100 steps of walking backwards is equivalent to 1000 steps of normal walking, and one lap backwards on the treadmill is equivalent to six laps of running forwards.

The running back is gaining more and more followers.
The running back is gaining more and more followers.

These are supposed to be the advantages of running back:

  • Running backwards is supposed to strengthen our muscles and not strain our knees.
  • Our posture improves as we maintain a straight posture when running backwards. Also, running backwards is said to help lower back pain.
  • Straight back and strong abdominal muscles - when we run with a straight back, our abdominal muscles also work.

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